How to set and fulfill new resolutions
María del Pilar Mones Urtuzuástegui | Academic coordination

At the beginning of each year we set ourselves new resolutions such as eating healthier, exercising, being more organized, etc. Why can’t we fulfill these new resolutions?
As we mentioned in a previous post, changing our habits is not an easy task, since it requires effort and perseverance, or it also becomes difficult when wanting to change several things at the same time.
It is important to set short, measurable and achievable goals or purposes. This will prevent stress and frustration.
We must work to build a motivation that takes us to see the generated changes in the short term and realize the learning that is generated by achieving these objectives.
Some tips to fulfill the new resolutions:
• Start with a single purpose, with short, achievable goals. This will help with motivation.
• Modifying the environment and writing down the reasons for these resolutions also help to build motivation.
• Set resolutions that make you improve and be happier. Think about what you want to achieve with it.
• Reward yourself with each achievement and don’t forget the encouraging words. «Things are going very well.»
• There will be relapses. The path is not always easy, the important thing is to learn from these falls to resume direction.
• Sharing the objectives makes the task easier, with the support and encouragement of those who love us.
It is important that we can put this exercise into practice with our teenagers. That with our help we can lead them to set goals that make them be more proactive and work on what they want to achieve.
Let’s give ourselves some time as a family to exercise this task, supporting them to discover what are those purposes they are looking for, why and how they can achieve them. Let’s set a reasonable time to review them and to see how they are progressing, encourage and motivate them to see that it is possible, and make them aware of their progress. Their inner motivation will lead them to feel better and to see those changes that make them better at some value or habit.

Garcia C. Andrea. (December 29, 2016). New Year’s resolutions: what we failed and what we can improve. Cognifit Health, Brain & Neuroscience. Retrieved on January 13, 2022 from:
Self-esteem and Self-concept vs. Social networks
Psyc. Tania G. Guillen Ortega

In recent years the use of electronic devices and social networks has become part of our daily lives, this use has increased due to the ease provided by new technologies, encouraging millions of individuals in the world to use them, especially adolescents and young people.
Social networks have shown great popularity among young generations, becoming the main line of communication and search among them, recognizing at the same time that virtual tools have been of great help in obtaining information quickly, speeding up the learning of new generations.
On the other hand, if we look at it from another perspective, digital media have created spaces in which the expression of personality is allowed, prompting the exploration of aspects of identity, although this can be a tool for the construction and configuration of personality, over time, it has shown to have negative effects on said construction since the process can be based on false ideals created by society, generating almost unattainable image expectations, directly affecting the users’ self-esteem, also relating it to that the virtual feedback that is obtained in the networks is sometimes carried out from the direct criticism of body image, since a large part of the communication in virtual life is given through the image, thus contributing to dissatisfaction with the body image also distorting their self-concept.

Thus, it is essential that as adults we become familiar with everything related to the Internet and social networks, in order to be able to exercise adequate support and monitoring, creating a supervision scheme that allows our adolescents to surf the net safely and informed without putting their health and development at risk, also promoting free of expression spaces at home in which body acceptance is promoted and it is allowed to speak freely about emotions related to the body itself, giving positive feedback and validating so that this space becomes safe and a place they can turn to.
Arab, L., & Diaz, G. (2015). Impact of social networks and the internet in adolescence: positive and negative aspects. Clinical Medical Journal Las Condes, 26(1), 7-13.
Peris, M., Maganto, C., & Kortabarria, L. (2015). Body self-esteem, publications in social networks and sexuality in adolescents. European Journal Of Investigation In Health, Psychology And Education, 3(2), 171.

Dates to keep in mind
• FEBRUARY 7th – Day adjourn
• FEBRUARY 17th – Literary Cafe
• FEBRUARY 14th to 22nd – P3 Exams
• FEBRUARY 23rd to 28th – 2nd. Parent-teacher conferences period
• FEBRUARY 23rd – Parents Making a Difference | 6:00 p.m.