Welcome! With great enthusiasm we start the year 2022, in this edition you will find relevant information about the importance of family life and our recognition of the 2021 Generation of Personal Project.

Middle Years Program
Certificates delivery of the Personal Project Generation 2021
By Alicia Silva
During this month the IB Personal Project certificates will be awarded to students as part of the closing of the Middle Years Program (MYP). The MYP certificate is issued directly by the International Baccalaureate, it is a document that supports the learning approaches (skills).

In the four years of the MYP, students develop, strengthen and apply skills that at the end of the Program will be their most powerful weapon during their work on the Personal Project. This Project consists on choosing a topic of their interest and developing a learning objective and product. The students’ decisions are accompanied by a teacher who plays the role of supervisor and guide throughout this 9-month process.
On January 28 we will carry out the peak moment of the Personal Project with the delivery of certificates to our 2021 generation. I want to congratulate all the children who from virtuality carried out the entire process of their Personal Project, with all the challenges that it involved both for them and for supervising teachers. I really enjoyed working with such bold, communicator and critic children. I learned a lot about managing and accompanying students online and, although it was a great challenge, I remember these moments very fondly, as well as my students.
I hope it is an experience that you can treasure and remember as a time of much learning.
Congratulations Generation 2021 for successfully completing this stage.

Coexistence as a family
By Psic. Francisco Gallegos
This month turns out to be a season that has as its motive the union and the closeness with our families.
The most important thing is that it is a matter of coexistence that is generated within the family and the invitation, properly speaking, is to take advantage of these dates to allow the creation of that space that due to setbacks or the tight schedule that there is every day, does not allow it.
How many times have we approached to talk or to converse with our family? To find out what each of the members thinks or likes, what they feel, enjoy, dislike, etc.
Therefore, the best opportunity these dates offer us is to create that place and space that corresponds to each one within the family environment.
To the extent that we respect and understand the “other”, we recognize the difference as an opportunity to live and share among all members of the family (Yudkin, 2017)

That is why it is important that, from the family, being a core nucleus and source of learning for our daughters and sons, we promote the acceptance and recognition of their person and that of the other members of the family. More in adolescence, being a stage in which children build and base their personality on learned and observed aspects of their environment, the closest being, the family.
These dates deserve that great opportunity to strengthen and promote coexistence among family members, which will be replicated in other spaces tomorrow. What will be replicated? The message of the importance of recognizing and accepting differences in tastes, points of view, etc., as an element that enriches the spaces in which adolescents develop.
• Promote equity between men and women in families, as well as the co-responsibility of all family members in care and protection tasks, overcoming gender stereotypes and recognizing the importance of care for the well-being of society.
• Generate welcoming environments in the family environment that allow interaction between all members, recognizing that each of us is responsible for the affection and mutual respect essential for family life.
• Listen and take into account the opinions, needs and desires of girls, boys and adolescents, as well as encourage their participation and involvement in family activities.
• Strengthen solidarity and association between the younger and older generations, based on support. Value both the young and the older generations, highlighting their contributions to society. Older adults should be respected and valued, as well as treated with fondness and affection.
Government Platform for Social Development (2018) Improving our coexistence in the family. Ministry of Social Inclusion, Ecuador, Quito. P.11

• JANUARY 3rd – Regreso a clases
• JANUARY 6th – Asueto
• JANUARY 11th –Publicación de boletas P2
• JANUARY 20th –Café literario
• JANUARY 26th –Parents Making a Difference | 18:00 h
• JANUARY 27th – CTE