NUACHTÁN IB NEWS | September 2021
IB learning profile in times of change
Alicia Silva
Education during and after the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our perspective and has modified the conditions under which we had our classroom and student life, allowing us to reevaluate our work and find ourselves again from a different place with the attributes that we seek every day in the community.

Undoubtedly, an important part of being able to get through these times has been technology and its impact, both on our students’ needs and on the teachers’ work; but without a doubt, what we primarily seek to support our community are those values and skills through the IB Learner Profile and its attributes, which are a core part of our mission and vision as an institution.

We have seen and experienced changes in many aspects of life within our school that little by little are happening again, such as the size of the groups, our day-to-day operational and organizational structure; and what to say about the functions of the teachers.
However, we are confident that the IB curriculum model, its philosophy, and the community profile we have as an institution will provide excellent opportunities for both teachers and students to address the challenges we are facing and prepare for those that will arise.
Every month, within this section, we will address topics related to International Baccalaureate which as a community we are experiencing. I hope that this information we share is valuable and can, as it is intended, bring you closer to this vast world of IB schools.
IB (International Baccalaureate Organization). IB learner profile community. 2013. Visit us online at:
Consultation: Friday, September 3, 2021
Al Refo, H. Cómo puede EL perfil de la comunidad de aprendizaje del IB ayudar a Los docentes durante la pandemia de La covid-19 (SEGUNDA PARTE). IB community blog. 2020 Available online at:
Consultation: Tuesday, July 27, 2021