Newsletter Prepa Celta
Claudia Molleda | Prepa Celta´s Principal

We have already trailed 8 months of this school year and we are at the point where we realize all the learnings and experiences that we have lived, close to reaching the goal, this end of the month, we close another school year that has been full of challenges that have made us grow as people and as members of a learning community. Remember that life is not flat, and that ups and downs are what allow us to generate intellectual and emotional growth. We continue on the path, preparing – today more than ever – for things that we cannot predict, and I believe that this year and a half has taught us precisely to be resilient and with the sufficient capacity to adapt to different circumstances.
This may we have various events, such as Mother’s Day, Teacher’s Day and of course our longed-for -and at the same time not- closing of the school year, and with this, we will say goodbye to a generation that made us grow and that it also allowed us to enter the world of IB assessment. I take this opportunity to invite you, since soon we will also have the Personal Project presentation, Reflective Project, and Cultural Management Products. We will send you the information very soon!

During previous weeks we had the opportunity to participate together with our students in workshops regarding professional choice, decision-making, university life from the perspective of students, entrepreneurship, etc., these workshops were generated by some of the universities with whom we have alliances, such as the EBC, Mondragón and Tecnológico de Monterrey. We are very grateful to our institutional collaborators for the opportunities for academic growth they offer us.
As every month, here is the information that our coordinators, teachers, and students, have written for you.
Middle Years Programme Evaluation
Alicia Silva | MYP Coordinator
Among the strongest characteristics within the International Baccalaureate are its high standards of educational quality and the responsibility to ensure that the implementation of each programme in each school is faithful to the IB mission statement.

The main objective of the evaluation of IB programmes is to help schools to continuously develop their capacity to implement IB programmes, in order to have a greater effect on student outcomes through the development of teaching practices and leadership.
This evaluation allows us to participate in a process of reflection that leads to a deeper understanding, both of the aspects of the programme that are being implemented effectively and the aspects that need to be further developed.
This type of follow-up strengthens us as a learning community where parents, students, teachers and the leadership team actively participate.
It is an opportunity for schools to receive meaningful and context-appropriate feedback and support from the IB about the school’s programmes, leading to continuous development and improvement supporting the efforts we make in the programme.
This reflection and evaluation is constant in each programme and soon we will be calling our community to participate in this improvement exercise.
If you want to know a little more about the IB, we invite you to read the IB news section in the newsletter or at our website

Declaración de principios del IB
El Bachillerato Internacional tiene como meta formar jóvenes solidarios, informados y ávidos de conocimiento, capaces de contribuir a crear un mundo mejor y más pacífico, en el marco del entendimiento mutuo y el respeto intercultural.
En pos de este objetivo, la organización colabora con establecimientos escolares, gobiernos y organizaciones internacionales para crear y desarrollar programas de educación internacional exigentes y métodos de evaluación rigurosos.
Estos programas alientan a estudiantes del mundo entero a adoptar una actitud activa de aprendizaje durante toda su vida, a ser compasivos y a entender que otras personas, con sus diferencias, también pueden estar en lo cierto.
Career-Related Programme, Cultural Management
Eréndira Astivia | Culture Coordinator K-12 and Cultural Management Teacher
«At this time, when millions of people are physically isolated from each other, culture has brought us together, creating links and shortening the distance that separates us. Culture has provided us with support and inspiration and has given us hope during this period of enormous anxiety and uncertainty».
-Ernesto Ottone R., Assistant Director-General for Culture of UNESCO-
The Career-Related Programme is part of the IB Continuum learning that Celta International School offers its students. Particularly I have to work from Cultural Management, a training study that is unfortunately little appreciated by our students, perhaps from a lack of knowledge of what it implies and what it can achieve in their lives.
For this reason, it is important to note that UNESCO defined culture as “the set of distinctive spiritual and material, intellectual and affective features that characterize a society or a social group and that encompasses, in addition to the arts and letters, the ways of life, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs ”.

Based on this, we could determine that the impact of learning to manage culture goes beyond mere artistic promotion, it requires from our students the development of key skills for leadership, effective management of the Attributes of the IB learner profile and necessarily invites them to expand their horizons.
Cultural management is directly linked to the area of Humanities, but that does not imply that it is opposed or useless for the areas of Science and Mathematics; quite the contrary, it is precisely at this moment in the learning path of young people, where it becomes an essential element to help them develop their soft skills, where it allows them first of all to learn to manage themselves, to regulate their time and plan their activities – it is very complex to try to organize outwards what has not been organized inside-. It invites them to reflect on the importance of their roots, on the need to influence as a factor of change in their environment, on the responsibility to commit to their society by promoting and respecting what identifies it.
When managing culture, students do not put aside their personal or professional interests as many may suppose. No, they will not only dance, sing, act or paint; they will be able to insert their professional inclinations and from there in a holistic and interdisciplinary work, project important changes for that society to which they will be integrated in the future.
Cultural Management within CP, as well as all the education offered by Colegio Celta, is based on IB learning approaches that will allow your children to develop skills that will surely put them at the forefront of communities, societies and nations.
“Celta I am”
My choice in the CP
Marimé Brocado López | CP student
My name is Marimé Brocado López and I am 17 years old. I have been a student at Colegio Celta Internacional since 9th grade and I am currently in 12th grade. Today, near the end of my last school year, I am happy because I made a great decision regarding the direction of my studies. It is well known, the CP offers various Career-Related studies from which you can choose one to develop your skills. I chose Health Coach, from the election of this one, it was that I decided the direction of the career that I want to study.
Taking this Programme has been a challenge, there have been many stressful moments in which I no longer want to continue. However, at the end of the day it is comforting to know how much I have learned and how important it has been to my development. During the last two years I had the opportunity to learn about various topics and areas of study related to health. After this time I consider myself a person with greater knowledge, for example, towards physical and mental health, nutrition, rapport techniques, studies of happiness and many others. Every time we finish a topic we have to deliver a very well developed report and in my opinion they were very useful tools to know how to land everything we had seen in a single moment.

«Bubble» girls, boys and teenagers
Jesús Avalos| Psychopedagogy and Vocational Guidance Department
In recent years, mothers and fathers of the new generations of girls, boys and teenagers have emotionally turned to their children to seek to meet expectations and overprotect them from the outside, without realizing it, that under the idea of giving them what they did not have, they are exposing them to not being able to solve priority emotional and social situations.

Life is not linear, much less is it black and white. Girls, boys and adolescents need to learn to qualify the personal and social spaces in which they operate, as well as to learn to value waiting, understanding that things do not happen immediately and that they require time.
Schools are those social and emotional spaces, in which girls, boys and teenagers begin to make personal decisions, without the influence of their parents.
The «bubbles» that are created of protection for them, they become more integral and with a much more resilient vision.
It is not that it is bad to protect, on the contrary, however, it requires taking the right measure, in order to avoid toxic protection, which prevents new generations from growing up under the idea that they are unique, ceasing to be empathetic and develop active personal and social listening.

Mothers and fathers must «educate and train» their daughters or sons, from a comprehensive, social and free of emotional inheritance vision of them, to give them the opportunity to promote their own history.
How much should I protect my daughter or son?
The necessary, without implying that they do not make decisions and assume responsibility for their actions.
How much should I give?
The necessary, without this leading her/him to turn people, fauna and flora into objects.
How much should I lover her/him?
The necessary, without reaching the situation that she or he becomes an extension of you as parents and that you as parents forget yourself.
The bubbles have been created as physical and emotional backups to protect us, not to generate eternal nirvanas, where they avoid the reality we live in. Remember to leave the world, your world, better than how you found it and that starts from your own life.

Dates to remember
• MAY 19th | Student’s Day
• MAY 20th | Personal Project demonstrations
• MAY 21st | Reflective Project demonstrations
• MAYth 24 to 26th | Cultural Management Products’ demonstrations
• MAY 28th | Closing Period