St Patrick´s Day Parade
‘Lá Fhéile Pádraig’, as this event is called in Gaelic, is since 1903 the official festival that celebrates Irish culture.
It´s a consequence of the Irish immigration to other countries, which has become a popular and multitudinous holiday where the colour green, clovers and treasure chests at the end of the rainbow are a distinctive part of the celebration.
Colegio Celta Internacional, joins this iconic celebration with an activity full of surprises. A caravan inside the parking lot of the Central Building.

When: March 17
Hour: from 17:00h and until 18:30
Where: Central Building
Please consider all the health meassures to protect you and all the participants.
This event will be an excellent moment to get a long with the community in a safe and controled space. Join this event with creativity, it would be great to see you in a costume and admire how you decorate your car with St. Patrick´s motives.
Please register your participation to this special event. We will be happy to see you!
«Rot bia fáilte! (Gaelic) A welcome awaits you!»