Celts in environmental conservation
A close relationship with the surrounding natural resourcesFor them, nature was not only a resource to be used, but was sacred and full of spiritual meaning. They believed in the existence of spirits in animals, trees, rivers and mountains. This belief led them to deeply respect and honor the planet.
Celtic values, such as harmony, peaceful coexistence with nature and respect for all forms of life, are closely related to environmental conservation.

Celtic wisdom about the interconnectedness of living things reminds us of the importance of considering the repercussions of our actions on the natural environment.
This ancestral legacy challenges us to adopt a more proactive perspective and to recognize that environmental conservation is not only a practical matter, but also an expression of respect and gratitude towards the web of life that sustains us.
Celta´s SHAMROCK Center
A space where educational, artistic, sports and social experiences are carried out and lived among others, where they learn to be citizens of the world, capable of leading with empathy and action in favor of a healthy planet, making learning a living and meaningful experience.
We are a green/sustainable school, standing as guardians of the future, forging a path where nature and learning are harmoniously intertwined. Every ecological initiative we undertake is a legacy of hope and responsibility that we leave for generations to come.
Being an environmentally friendly school is a statement of principles and a purposeful educational mission. Instilling in our students a respect and love for nature gives them a global awareness and a sense of responsibility that transcends the classroom.
In the Celta´s SHAMROCK Center we are based
In the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the UN.
The school takes the following as a banner through monthly activities that allow us to be a part of the change that the planet and humanity need:


Health and Wellness

Lifestyle improvement. Exercise / Diet / Mental and emotional wellness.
Quality Education

A path where environmental and academic education are harmoniously intertwined.
Clean Water and Sanitation

Raise awareness about the importance of water care / Uses.
Affordable and non-polluting energy

Affordable and non-polluting energy

aims to change the current model of consumption and production
Climate Action

General actions to combat climate change / Care for local flora and fauna / Transportation.
The Climate Reality Project Conference and Presentation of Shamrock Celta's Center
Last September 2024, The Climate Reality Project’s (climate change conference) was presented to all school levels, from Kindergarten to The Celtic High School ( Prepa Celta). Also the Shamrock Celta’s Center was inaugurated.
Shamrock´s special friends

We want you to be part of the Celtic Family!
Contact us and get the information you need for your child to start studying in the school that cares about their safety and happiness.