Here begins the path of professional minds!
The first step toward a future starts here. We want young people to discover their skills and interests and begin to make responsible, goal-oriented decisions.

Our main objective is to educate caring, informed and knowledgeable young people, capable of contributing to create a better and more peaceful world, within the framework of mutual understanding and intercultural respect.

From Middle School onwards, young people want to start building their future and at Celta we know this, that is why we want to be the guide they need to make responsible decisions.
How important it is to provide good tools to make that happen, don’t you think?
We are certified by the Middle Years Program (MYP) of the International Baccalaureate (IB), which allows us to prepare our students in a demanding educational framework in the development of skills, with a student-centered vision and with special emphasis on developing attributes that prepare students to be citizens of the XXI Century, capable of facing the challenges of contemporary life.
We also seek that our students make connections between the disciplines they study and the real world, in order to achieve meaningful learning. Academic training ranges from oral and written expression, English academic leveling, math academic leveling, MUN (Model United Nations), PAD (French High Performance Program).
Our students have access to complementary classes
in the regular schedule such as sports, values, social service and MUN.We consider that these are essential to develop physical, social and psychological aspects that promote healthy attitudes and habits.

It is aimed at regularizing academically those students who have not reached the level required by the subject. During three months we work individually with the student.
7:05 hrs.EXIT:
14:50 hrs.SWIMMING:
15:00 a 16:00 hrs. (two days a week)LANGUAGES:
language of instruction
(literature, Design & technology, MUN, Universal History)FRENCH
second language
We want you to be part of the Celtic Family!
Contact us and get the information you need for your child to start studying in the school that cares about their safety and happiness.