Elementary Experience

Skills, knowledge and attitudes that will shape internationally minded individuals.
It is designed in such a way that the different dimensions of development are addressed.

cognitive, social, physical and emotional. At Celta, we are certain that our health care, environmental education, technology and art are part of our lives, essential elements for the

integral formation of our students.

"For this reason, we offer classes that give our students the opportunity to open their horizons in a rigorous curriculum that develops their creativity."


We have a wide range of artistic, cultural and sports activities to choose from based on your tastes and abilities:


Knowledge and use of information technologies through Steam projects, encouraging creativity.


Development of cognitive skills and mathematical logical thinking using different strategies and didactic material.


Curricular discipline. Chess sharpens mental agility, mathematical logical thinking and helps concentration.


Development of cognitive skills that allow them to maintain innate curiosity and to inquire by their own means.


Taught from a theoretical-practical perspective that allows the appreciation and understanding of Art, a behavioral thread of knowledge.


We encourage singing and music appreciation through a creative music program.


We encourage motor activity and health care by practicing physical activity.


Classes that develop motor performance skills. It complements the academic program and is part of Physical Education.

We want you to be part of the Celtic Family!

Contact us and get the information you need for your child to start studying in the school that cares about their safety and happiness.

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