The school year 2021-2022 was a year of challenges, new teachings and goals achieved!
As we conducted an analysis we realized the progress that our students have made after having decreased their social skills, communication and study habits during the pandemic. Throughout the school year in a roller coaster of emotions experienced by our teenagers we know that it is important that they continue to work throughout the vacations within the family environment. As parents it is necessary to work on your children’s habits, be a guide, be emotionally available to the teenagers, share the experience and what you have learned, instill values, love, provide what you consider important, educate by example, teach and care, offer security and strength, support in making decisions based on values. But above all, enjoy every moment with your children. As teenagers they have the need to be seen and contained by those around them, but above all by you (mom and dad).

We thank you for your support and trust throughout the school year, we look forward to seeing you in August.
Miss Mónica Antuna B.
Alicia Silva
Closure of the Middle Years Programme

At the end of the school year, in addition to the 12th grade graduation and closing ceremonies for each section, the Middle Years Programme certificates will be awarded.
These certificates are issued and sent by the International Baccalaureate to 11th grade students, who receive a certificate that recognizes the skills acquired and strengthened during their passage through the programme, in middle school and the first year of high school.
The skills that our students demonstrate will be with them in their academic and personal lives.
The skills of the IB approaches to learning are based on the belief that learning to learn is fundamental to students’ lives, both in and out of the school context. Broadly speaking, IB programmes help students develop:
Thinking skills
Communication skills
Research skills
Self-management skills
Social skills
Approaches to Learning skills and related secondary skills help learners of all ages demonstrate agency and regulate their own learning. Using a variety of strategies, MYP teachers plan implicit and explicit opportunities collaboratively to develop approaches to learning both within and outside the IB programme.
IBO (2022). Learning and teaching. 06/13/22, from International Baccalaureate Website:,Habilidades%20sociales
Psi. Patsy Luna
The importance of the subject FCE

Mexico is a country that has modified its curriculum design in order to improve education and respond to new social needs, therefore, 20 years ago the subject of Civics and Ethics, also known as Ethics and Values or Civics, was included in the high school curriculum map, but what were the social needs that led to add this subject to education?
In Mexico there is a lot of violence, robbery and corruption, acts that are committed mostly by high school students, either inside or outside educational institutions.
This problem was addressed in schools through the subject of Ethics, which had the objective of instilling values, defining them and talking about morals, in order to change the actions of young people in favor of the social good; but these values and topics were addressed in the wrong way, that is, when working on morals, each one appropriated a subjective conception, generating a notion of «individual good» and not collective good.
And why should this social problem be addressed at school? The answer is that the problem begins at school when educating in Kant’s categorical imperative. This means that we have been educated in compliance with laws and acceptance of established rules of coexistence, without the opportunity to question them or be aware of them and that they are universal and can be applied to everyone, which is the same as an imposition. Our culture is based on «obligation» as a way to regulate and control society, seeking equality.
Is educating for equality the solution? On the contrary, educating under that approach provokes intolerance towards what is different, which is a serious problem since we all are, act and think differently. We must educate in solidarity, in accepting the other and in being able to establish agreements.
Savater, F. (2012) Ética de urgencias. Barcelona, España. Editorial: planeta.
AUGUST 29th – Back to School