Success is not an accident
8 skills that help you achieve it
Success may not mean the same thing for everyone, some may think of having a lot of money, others of having a stable job and still others of achieving a balance between personal and professional life, but, whatever the concept each person has, there are certain things that must be done to reach the goal.
You need to make an effort, but there are also certain skills that are sure to give you an advantage, skills that we find in the IB (International Baccalaureate®) educational model:

1.- Communication
Know how to listen, write and speak so you can be clear about what you want to achieve this will help to articulate your ideas more effectively. It also has to do with understanding what others think and feel, so you can resolve conflicts and avoid misunderstandings.
2.- Problem resolution
Challenges will arise, not everything will be good and problems are inevitable, it is important to analyze, make decisions and find a way to overcome obstacles
3.- Teamwork
No one achieves success alone, that means you need to work effectively with others. You have to know how to delegate, listen, take ideas from others and make everyone feel comfortable and valued.
4.- Initiative
It’s about taking the first step, proposing new ideas, and not sitting around waiting for everything to fall from the sky or for someone to give you a chance.
5.- Professionalism and work ethic
It’s about taking responsibility for your own actions, taking responsibility for your mistakes, being committed, and understanding the impact of your actions on others it’s as simple as being on time and not leaving things unfinished.
6.- Leadership
Inspire others to want to follow you and help carry out your vision in a positive way where the benefits are for everyone.
7.- Technology
Stay up-to-date, otherwise, you can be left behind and that makes you obsolete, find the technologies that will help you grow and work better and more efficiently.
8.- Adaptability
Learn how to adapt to changes and new circumstances. It is important to be flexible, to learn to take different paths, and to work with what you have, even if it is not what you were expecting.

Paloma González
Habilidades que debes dominar para ser exitoso, según expertos
El éxito no te va a llegar por accidente, necesitas trabajar en las habilidades que te ayuden a conseguirlo.