María del Pilar Mones Urtuzuástegui | Academic Coordination
Academic Honesty

The International Baccalaureate (IB) understands academic probity as «the set of values and skills that promote personal integrity and good practice in teaching, learning and assessment». (copyright image ) And by misconduct, «any action (whether deliberate or unintentional) by an enrolled student by which he or she or another enrolled student is or may be unfairly advantaged in one or more components of assessment.» (Garza, 2014).
At Celtic School, for the development of academic probity, one of the attributes promoted by the IB community, Integrity, is worked on and strengthened. This attribute supports and reinforces integrity and honesty, i.e. «being of one piece».
In all its programs, the IB has an Academic Probity Policy that ensures to promote transparency and consistency of procedures in this regard, as well as regulate the actions and measures to be taken in case of misconduct, some examples of these are:

• Plagiarism
• Collusion
• Bringing unauthorized material to an exam
• Theft of examination materials
• Misconduct during an examination
• Disclosing or receiving confidential information about an examination within 24 hours following it
It is important to promote academic probity, because nowadays our teenagers do not know who owns the information they find on the Internet, they do not know about intellectual property, nor the importance of giving credit to the authors of ideas or works, it is of vital importance to recognize and respect this property without appropriating the work of others. It is essential that our young people recognize that it is a very serious offense, if they find this practice to be easy, later they will find it just as easy to violate other rules. I believe that it is transcendental to create awareness in our young people, that they recognize the seriousness of the fault and, above all, the opportunity they are losing to learn and develop research skills, we must continue to promote during their educational period the correct use of citations and bibliographic references.
«The principle of academic probity must be seen as something positive throughout the school community, become a natural part of academic studies and accompany IB students throughout their educational training and professional career.» ( 2014).

Guevara, E. MYP Academic probity brochure. Recovered on March 12, 2022 from
Garza, C., (2014). Conferencia del IB en las Américas de 2014 [IB Americas Conference 2014]. Washington D. C. July 10 to 13. Probidad académica: de los principios a la práctica. [Academic probity: from principles to practice.] [PowerPoint Slide]. Recovered on March 10, 2022 from
IBO (2014). La probidad académica en el contexto educativo del IB. [Academic probity in the IB educational context.] Recovered on March 10, 2022 from
IBO (2014). El Programa de los Años Intermedios: de los principios a la práctica. [The Middle Years Program: from principles to practice. ] Recovered on March 11, 2022 from
Unknown (December 15, 2017). Probidad Académica [Academic probity]. Blogspot. Recovere don March 11, 2022 from
Tania G. Guillén Ortega | Psychopedagogy Department
Anxiety as the main seque of the pandemic
It is well known that the pandemic brought with it irreparable consequences for our society, the last years have been times of anguish, worry and uncertainty, creating a generalized discomfort in the population that has been difficult to overcome.

After the appearance of Covid-19, the demand for psychological care increased as it triggered a generalized distress in the population presenting symptoms of anxiety such as, for example, worry, sleep disturbances, appetite disturbances, chest discomfort, among others; at the same time, these symptoms are accompanied by irrational thoughts that increase the anguish of the person who is experiencing it, entering a cycle that is difficult to stop.
The media and social networks have played an important role in the rise of this disorder, since taking a device means being flooded with news related to the pandemic, feeding the state of concern in society, in which fear played as an adaptative emotion, creating defenses against a potential danger, observing the emergence of generalized anxiety as a persistent and uncontrollable worry that went hand in hand with bodily discomfort, preventing the optimal development of the person.
Today, we have to reincorporate into society and adapt to the new parameters of normality, fighting at the same time with the emotional sequels generated in confinement, we require constant work by health personnel, but also the work of society itself that is invited every day to identify these types of problems and treat them, since fear has proven to be contagious and the more time is allowed to pass without treating the anxious symptomatology, the greater the discomfort will be.
Campaigns and support telephone lines have been generated mainly for people who experience this type of symptomatology, with the intention that little by little each person can resume their usual rhythm of life, managing to take preventive measures against Covid-19 without affecting their harmony.
The following are strategies to manage anxiety:

- Know your body and identify what you are feeling, remembering that repressing the sensations presented by anxiety, only cause the body to generate more signals for you to listen to it
- Try to reflect on what makes it appear and at what times this feeling of discomfort appears, in order to generate tools for this
- Have an adequate rest
- Constant exercise
- Reduce the use of energy drinks or caffeine
- Expression of emotions
- Practice relaxation techniques
- Avoiding over-information
- Occupational therapy
It is important to remember that anxiety can be treated together with professional care to achieve greater progress and find a state of well-being.
Moreno-Proaño, G. (2020). Pensamientos distorsionados y Ansiedad Generalizada en covid-19. CienciAmérica.
Monterrosa-Castro, Á., Buelvas-de-la-Rosa, C., & Ordosgoitia-Parra, E. (2021). Probable trastorno de Ansiedad Generalizada en la Pandemia covid-19: Valoración en Médicos Generales del Caribe Colombiano.

• APRIL 1st to 8th – Fourth period exams
• APthRIL 11 to 22nd – Holiday period
• APRIL 27th – Parents Making a Difference
• APRIL 28th – Literary Café | 10:00 h
• APRIL 29th – CTE