By Claudia Molleda Ortega |Prepa Celta’s Principal

During these days, we have been preparing for Arts and Culture Week, students of all grades will participate in many activities led by our teachers of Plastic Arts, Literature, French, Reading and Writing Workshop and Technology. During the first and part of the second period, the students have made a great effort to get products for the community to enjoy them.
In addition to this effort, great achievements have also been made to be able to contribute to our CISMUN, a very significant event for us since it brings together all the students of Prepa Celta, Middle School MUN´s club and other school students, to, through the model, contribute with ideas that make young people aware of the situations that we live in all over the world. Students learn to discuss, listen, investigate, and formulate opinions based on information. An event that, without a doubt, generates an atmosphere of camaraderie and solidarity.

Is also approaching #MyFreedomDay, where our 11th and 12th grade students will work producing videos to talk about modern slavery and what we can do to avoid it. Remember, with each of our small actions, we can change the world.

Alicia Silva |MYP Coordinator and Continuum Leader
During the last few weeks, we have been reviewing with all teachers, Colegio Celta´s Policies as part of a process of self-reflection in the daily work of all of us who work in the IB programmes.

These policies are documents that clearly establish what we are expected to support as a learning community in the learning process of our children from academic honesty, inclusion in education, evaluation, linguistic development and access to education.
They are directly aligned with our philosophy as a school and the IB Declaration of Principles, therefore we are encouraged to show in these documents the real practices that take place in the school in the different subjects.
This documents, are periodically reviewed and improved, adjusting to the actual context of Colegio Celta. They are developed collaboratively and each of the five school policies pursues a specific objective. I describe below what our policies are and the objective of each of them.
Academic Honesty Policy: This is a document that clearly sets out expected behavior and consequences for improper conduct.
Language Policy: it is a concrete expression of school´s linguistic philosophy. It summarizes the objectives of language teaching and learning for all students´ linguistic profiles in the community.
Inclusion Policy – Explains how all students, including those with special educational needs or needs related to diversity in learning, can access teaching and learning and have an equity-based programme experience.

Assessment Policy: describes how the school applies the assessment philosophy of the different IB programmes in its local educational context.
Admissions Policy: shows the procedures that serve Colegio Celta´s admissions process as part of establishing and knowing the development of the student who enters the campus.
Once the review cycle of the policies among teachers is concluded, we will be very happy to share with our entire community through IB news section how we articulate the Policies from the different edges of our school with the International Baccalaureate programmes.
From International Baccalaureate web page:
Cómo funciona el POP – International Baccalaureate® (

Students in the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Career-related Programme (CP) engage with a rigorous study programme that genuinely interests them, while gaining transferable and lifelong skills in applied knowledge, critical thinking, communication, and cross-cultural engagement.
The CP’s three-part framework comprises the study of at least two Diploma Programme (DP) courses alongside the distinctive CP core and a career-related study.
For CP students, DP courses provide the theoretical underpinning and academic rigour of the programme; the career-related study further supports the programme’s academic strength and provide practical, real-world approaches to learning; and the CP core helps them to develop skills and competencies required for lifelong learning
How is teaching and learning organized in the CP?

The CP core is designed to create a bridge that connects each student’s chosen DP courses and career-related study. It includes personal and professional skills, servive learning, language development and a reflective project.
IB World Schools select several DP courses as part of the CP framework.
The career-related study prepares students for higher education, internships or an apprenticeship, or a position in a designated field of interest. Each school chooses the career-related courses most suited to local conditions and the needs of their students.
By Tania Guerrero Peña | Coord. Psychopedagogy and Vocational Guidance
Collaboration of Mondragon University.
Dear Community:
At the Vocational Orientation Department, we know and believe choosing a career is one of the most important moments in life; It requires a thorough examination of our person, environment and possibilities.

Due to this, month after month during this semester, we will be sending you important information about the different universities with which we are linked, so, from now on, you can see what your best options are.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to approach the OV Department (
Universidad Mondragon: What distinguishes the students of Universidad Mondragon Mexico?
Graduate with clear goals and all the necessary tools to meet them.
Universidad Mondragon México, located in Queretaro, is part of MONDRAGON Corporation, one of the 10 largest industrial groups in Spain with presence in 41 countries, and a network of international universities in the Basque Country and Mexico. With a unique educational model, where you will learn by doing and living your career as a professional.
The educational experience at the Universidad Mondragon Mexico:
- International Experience
From 5th semester, our students have a guaranteed trip abroad to meet the best companies, agencies, organizations, etc. Regarding your career in another country. In addition to the various exchange opportunities and double degree programs abroad. We are the only university that offers a Finnish Degree Program.
- Alternation
If they choose alternance at Universidad Mondragon Mexico, our students are guaranteed to graduate with 2 years of work experience. From 5th. semester they will be able to study and work developing projects to solve real problems with academic support.
- Entrepreneurship
Passion to undertake? In Mondragon Mexico, from 5th. semester, they can create their own business. They will receive the academic, financial, and business advice to graduate with their own established, functional and billing company.
It is a unique program, all UMx graduates have two years of real work experience or with their own company.

How is our admission process?
Mondragon Mexico, does not have a traditional admission process, here we are interested in knowing and developing the potential of all our students, what are their passions? What are your skills? What skills do you have? Are they leaders? We want to know all the capacities to work as a team and to solve a real problem.
Are you interested in knowing about our next casting? Enter the following league and register:
We invite you to learn more about our educational model on the Mondragon Mexico University website:
By Claudia Orozco | Aldara’s Mother

She began her sports career in pre-school, without interruption and with dedication over 12 years she has tried to be a great athlete, student and person.
In her career she has overcome difficult situations and obtained great satisfaction.
Among her achievements, she was selected by the State of Queretaro in the women’s basketball team category, 2004.
She is currently studying in an ‘International Student Exchange’ Program at ‘Deer High School’ in Arkansas, USA, where she is part of the Senior Basketball representative team, standing out for her team play.
Academically, Aldara is among the best averages in Deer High School, being a worthy representative of Colegio Celta International.
She is part of CELTA´s Tochito Flag team; whom she misses and with whom she will return to share; as well as Coach Eduardo Ronquillo who has been a fundamental part of her love about sports.