Promoting the Values of Colegio Celta Internacional
Claudia Molleda Ortega | Celta High School Principal
Starting this semester, at Prepa Celta, we will be working with the values promoted by Colegio Celta Internacional… “We foster attitudes, skills and values as guides and life models among the members of our educational community such as: respect, solidarity , honesty, responsibility, integrity, gratitude, loyalty and freedom”. And that can you find in US – Colegio Celta.

The idea is that, through different campaigns, teachers promote these values in the Prepa community and that every day, we manage to live them, not only within the Prepa, but also abroad. You can also be part of this campaign by helping us to promote in the chats, but, above all, practicing them and feeling proud to be part of the Celta family…
With Pride, Celtic I Am!

We are very close to experiencing our 3rd #MyFreedomDay, in collaboration with other IB schools around the world. Soon, we will give you more information so that you can also participate in this campaign against modern slavery. This event will take place within the framework of the Art and Culture Week in March.
We start a new semester and with it, new challenges. We ask for your valuable collaboration to take care of the community, asserting the health protocol. Any comment or suggestion for improvement is always welcome.
Below, we share some articles written by our coordinators. This month, we have the collaboration of Miss Pily Mones from Middle School and Gabriela Covarrubias and Elisa Gómez from International Master Plan.
Middle School MYP Collaboration
How to set and fulfill new resolutions
María del Pilar Mones Urtuzuástegui | Middle School Academic Coordination

At the beginning of each year we set ourselves new resolutions such as eating healthier, exercising, being more organized, etc. Why can’t we fulfill these new resolutions?
As we mentioned in a previous post, changing our habits is not an easy task, since it requires effort and perseverance, or it also becomes difficult when wanting to change several things at the same time.
It is important to set short, measurable and achievable goals or purposes. This will prevent stress and frustration.
We must work to build a motivation that takes us to see the generated changes in the short term and realize the learning that is generated by achieving these objectives.
Some tips to fulfill the new resolutions:
• Start with a single purpose, with short, achievable goals. This will help with motivation.
• Modifying the environment and writing down the reasons for these resolutions also help to build motivation.
• Set resolutions that make you improve and be happier. Think about what you want to achieve with it.
• Reward yourself with each achievement and don’t forget the encouraging words. «Things are going very well.»
• There will be relapses. The path is not always easy, the important thing is to learn from these falls to resume direction.
• Sharing the objectives makes the task easier, with the support and encouragement of those who love us.
It is important that we can put this exercise into practice with our teenagers. That with our help we can lead them to set goals that make them be more proactive and work on what they want to achieve.
Let’s give ourselves some time as a family to exercise this task, supporting them to discover what are those purposes they are looking for, why and how they can achieve them. Let’s set a reasonable time to review them and to see how they are progressing, encourage and motivate them to see that it is possible, and make them aware of their progress. Their inner motivation will lead them to feel better and to see those changes that make them better at some value or habit.

Garcia C. Andrea. (December 29, 2016). New Year’s resolutions: what we failed and what we can improve. Cognifit Health, Brain & Neuroscience. Retrieved on January 13, 2022 from:
Transition from MYP to CP
From the IB Blog: Voces del IB: La transición del PAI al POP, con Jason Reagin | Blog de la comunidad del IB (
Introduction by Claudia Molleda Ortega / Principal at Prepa Celta and CP Coordinator

It’s been 8 years since I entered the Colegio Celta Internacional as a Science teacher in the MYP, at first it was not easy to learn, because the IB programs are a philosophy not only of education, but also of life. We hear about approaches to learning – how we learn skills – the curriculum – what we learn – and the learner profile – who we are and how we apply – and when you’re an IB teacher, putting it all together becomes a real challenge because you have to think about exactly what you want your students to learn (not just the curriculum but the skills), and how you are going to do it, through which strategies or tools, etc. Over time, you realize that each program has a particular purpose, but there are common things in all of them, teaching students expected learning, contextualized concepts and skills… and what happens when we talk about students? Just as being an IB teacher is not easy, being an IB student is not easy either. However, we have verified over the years that our students graduate from Prepa Celta with a very high level in terms of hard and soft skills, they are able to write, quote, analyze, reflect, communicate verbally, etc., with great clarity, they are inquisitive, capable of differentiating what information is valid and what is not, among other things, and this becomes a titanic task for them, however , what they apply when they graduate, has a very powerful meaning in their lives.
As many of you know, in High School we have 2 of the IB programs, the Middle Years or PAI and the Career-related Program (CP). The transition between programs is based on the skills that are developed and once they reach the CP, how they apply them to acquire new skills, but in a more professional sense. I will give you the link of the IB BLOG article, where you can find a relevant podcast about this step between programs. Voces del IB: La transición del PAI al POP, con Jason Reagin | Blog de la comunidad del IB (
Remember that at Prepa Celta, we offer Professional Entrepreneurship Training Studies, Health Coach and Prototype Design, for further information, contact me to the e-mail
International Exchanges
In collaboration with International Master Plan | Gaby Cobarruvias and Elisa Gómez
We know that for many of us as parents and even for many of our students, living an international experience is of great value, since it provides learning that allows students to grow both in their personal and professional lives.

One of our academic allies is the International Master plan, directed by Gaby and Elisa, with whom we have been working for many years and generating agreements so that Prepa Celta students can live a unique experience. In this edition, they have written us a short article about their offer.
For further information, please contact the Psyc. Tania Angelica Peña Guerrero (
“International Master Plan is an international student mobility company with premises in Mexico City and Querétaro. Our reason for being is the creation of a new educational culture in order to contribute to the formation of a better prepared society for the world in which we currently live.
With more than 12 years of experience and hundreds of completed students, we design memorable experiences, offering free advice, guidance and support in the management of study abroad programs at all levels.
We are official representatives of quality institutions that offer partial scholarship options for academic excellence, discounts and financing options to our students.
Benefits of studying abroad:
- Multicultural experience and interaction.
- Strengthening character.
- Reinforcement of self-esteem.
- Decision making.
- Resource management.
- Appreciation of one’s own culture.
We guide students step by step on:
- Characteristics of the institutions we represent.
- Educational offer in each destination.
- Location details.
- Scholarships, discounts and financing possibilities.
- Entrance requirements.
- Application dates, start of classes, etc.
- Lodging options.
- Immigration requirements according to each destination and each program.
Educative offer:
- High School – Revalidatable academic year or semester.
- Summer Program.
- Language Programs – Language acquisition and improvement programs.
- Higher Education – Higher education at a professional level (bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, technical careers, etc.)
Study destinations:
• NORTH AMERICA: United States and Canada
• EUROPE: Ireland, Germany, United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland and Spain
• ASIA: Japan
• OCEANIA: Australia and New Zealand
From International Master Plan we send an affectionate greeting to the Colegio Celta Internacional community and we hope to have the opportunity to create a personalized study abroad plan for your students.”

Get Active
Hugo Valencia Peña | Coordinator of Student Activities

Physical exercise is proven and recommended to improve our health, but how important is it today in times of pandemic?
Let’s start by remembering that SARS-COV-2 is a virus that mainly affects the respiratory tract, from upper to lower, depending on its variant or mutation. Therefore, it is to be assumed that maintaining a strong, healthy respiratory system and in optimal conditions will help in some way to counteract the effects of this disease.
The benefits of physical exercise are many, but in these times, they take on special importance since they can be a determining factor in the severity of a disease such as the one that currently afflicts us, of course, it is not the only one, it is accompanied by a healthy diet, healthy lifestyles, personal hygiene and above all continue to take too much care of our exposure to the external environment.
By performing cardiovascular physical exercise regularly -2 to 3 times a week/30 minutes minimum per day-, we can strengthen our respiratory system, since it will help our lungs and auxiliary muscles of respiration to have said system strong and healthy. Although it is still a risk factor, it depends on the conditions and places where we choose to exercise, and as long as we can control and choose these variants, far from representing a threat, it becomes an important factor in, ultimately, reducing the mortality that this virus leaves behind.