True friendship
Relationships post COVID-19
During confinement, physical distance didn’t prevent us from feeling our friends closer than ever.

After a long time watching us through the screen without being able to get close or touch us, it has been a really emotional experience.
This unusual scenario has transformed us, friends included.

Maybe you are one of those, that during these months have reflected about the people in your life or maybe even decided to end a relationship with some friends. In this new way of living, friendship is understood differently. Today we know what true friendship is about being sincere and close. During confinement, we have been closer than ever, despite being so far apart.
The experiences we live lead us to take different turns, to experience changes, fear and uncertainty, and during this process, many people accompany us. Some stayed and others left.

Those who «shake» hands in the worst moments, push us to open our eyes when we are lost, accompany us on our life journey without judging, give us affection, rejoice of our achievements…And ultimately make our life much better, are the really good friends we now keep.
Fragmento Por: NEREA BERGARA /