Welcome to our second edition, in which you will find important information from the section, as well as academic and adolescent development information.
On September 30th, Middle School students, voted for the 21 – 22 Student Council election, in a democratic exercise.

We thank the participant electoral rolls for all the work done:
Celta’s Council For a Change C.C.F.C integrated by Orlando, Karla Sofía, Pablo Emilio, Ana Paola, Dana Paola and Diego.
And the winner: Celtix integrated by Natalia, Adrián, Mauro, Patricio, Alejandro and Rodrigo.
‘Fostering honesty, the campaign, ‘IF IT IS NOT YOURS, IT BELONGS TO SOMEONE ELSE’ promotes that any valuable object found that is not their property, be delivered to the assistants of each level in order to deliver it to its owner. (CCE)’
Thank you María Paula 7th
By Pilar Mones
We live a school year with challenges arising from the pandemic, teaching classes in three educational modalities: face-to-face, hybrid and on line. As a school we have prepared ourselves to face these challenges and do our best to continue with the educational quality that we have offered so far.

The teacher training this summer was very nurtured, with workshops and lectures that will help us meet the objectives set for this school year.
- We started with a workshop facilitated by Master Marcela Altamirano, regarding the construction of high-quality connections during the school year that begins.
- The “Concept-based learning” workshop given by Dr. Mona Servai, in which the work was done from the timetables of each subject, in order to align them with the inquiry process of the MYP program.
With this, we focus planning at the beginning of the education of the program that is conceptual understanding, these concepts focus on empowering ideas, those that transcend borders and help to integrate learning into new contexts, to deepen understanding and to establish connections from different perspectives, leading students to high levels of analysis, as well as helping to make this knowledge more transferable.
- We participated in a workshop on “Approaches to learning”, which is a process to lead students to “learn to learn”, in which we were able to observe that knowledge and skill go hand in hand, being a dumbbell that allows knowing and knowing how to do, this balance between both is essential, you cannot generate knowledge without developing skills and in the same way you cannot develop skills without knowledge. With this we work collaboratively describing the skills that our students will be developing in each of the subjects, as well as in each grade.
- The “Metacognition and Learning” workshop offered by Dr. Saniye Márquez Vargas. It will help us work with our students to make them be more aware of their own learning, identifying the development of skills or tools they have to solve problems that life presents to them.
As we can see, it was an intense training, loaded with activities and content that we are sure will help us with our work, in order to achieve the primary objective: EDUCATIONAL QUALITY.

Psych. Paola Llop Hernández
Parents of teenagers
Hello, Celtic Community, today we share information for those parents who are entering the world of adolescence, but also for those who already have a journey. All new information will always generate changes and changes force us to evolve or die trying. I hope this information can be useful in your great work as parents.

Adolescence is a challenging time for young people, as it not only generates the physical changes of puberty, but also an emotional transformation. For parents, it can sometimes seem that their loving beloved child has become a different and distant person, and that friends have become more important to them than their family. Some of these changes are part of the process of moving towards independence, and parents who are able to offer more empathy than judgment can continue to be a fundamental piece in guiding their children and emerge from this period with a strengthened relationship. It is true that adolescents will not always make it easy for them, they are facing a high egocentricity, a fundamental trait of adolescence.
During adolescence, young people try to develop an independent identity. They can adopt and discard activities, interests, peer groups, and mindsets over and over again until they find an area in which they are completely comfortable. It is not an easy process, because while trying to discover who they want to be, they have to manage hormonal changes, overcome threats to their self-esteem, their appearance and body image.
Many parents are aware of the changes that adolescence brings to their children, yet they are unaware of the challenge their own parenting style faces. As children become teenagers, parents may criticize or question them more than before and be more protective and strict. Being aware of these risks in your interactions with your teen can help decrease distance between both of you during adolescence.
There are ways to maintain closeness with your teenager, for example, parents can ask their children to share with them their interests, such as music or video games; respect their relationships with their friends, remain accessible and most importantly, continue to maintain a trustworthy family structure that is available whenever they need it.
Psych. Paola Llop Hernández
Psychology today (2020) | “Parenting Teenagers” | Recovered on September 13th, 2021 from

• OCTOBER 11th to 20th – 1st Period exams
• OCTOBER 20th to 27th – 1st Period Parent-teacher conferences via Zoom
• OCTOBER 29th – CTE | No classes