Welcome back to Prepa Celta!
From Claudia Molleda´s Desk | Prepa Celta´s Principal
Dear community,
For us, it is a pleasure to have our students again in the facilities of the school, especially in Celta´s High School. There is nothing that gives us more satisfaction than being able to share with you more closely, of course, always respecting the health protocol. We hope we can all return soon, absolutely everyone, and not everything is as before, but much better.

In these couple of days, we have met young people who are responsible and committed to others. We want to promote this culture of solidarity as a custom forever.
We appreciate your business and trust, and we are willing to play a great role in the education of our students, to continue promoting the attributes of the International Baccalaureate and to continue taking care of them in the academic, physical and emotional aspects.
We have grown our staff of teachers in order to provide them a much better service. We have a strong Psycho pedagogy and Vocational Counselor department that will continue to offer them, with a daily improve, services in this area. We implemented the Student Activities Coordination, as the means to promote a better student environment, but, above all, the participation of students at Prepa Celta´s social life. And it should be noted that we will continue making implementations to continue offering the best academic quality in our region and, of course, an exceptional service.
Soon we will let you know the different dates of induction activities for parents to our programs, so that as always, you can support us from home, generating a valuable exchange of ideas, but, above all, a team boost for the development of your children.
Next, I briefly introduce you to the STAFF of the Celtic High School.
Welcome back home!
Proudly, I’m Celta!

Claudia Molleda | Prepa Celta´s Principal and CP Coordinator
I am a Food Chemist graduated from UNAM, an intern for the Master’s Degree in Biochemical Sciences at the same institution and a Master’s Degree in Management of Higher Secondary Education Institutions from UDLAP. This is my 8th school year at Colegio Celta and I have served as a science teacher in middle and high school, I was the Academic Coordinator of High School for 4 years and since December 2020 I have served as Principal of the section. I am elated to be able to support you in everything you need.

I am Elvia Arias, High School Assistant. I am very happy to belong to this great Celtic family. I hope we all have an excellent school year. Count on me for any situation in which you require some support.

Juan Carlos Cruz Aguilar |Academic Coordinator
Welcome to a new school year; I am Juan Carlos; I have a degree in Philosophy with a Postgraduate Degree in Education. I have worked as a teacher in social sciences and humanities since 2019, when I came to this family; this year I started to serve as Academic Coordinator in Prepa Celta. I wish that our path is full of joy and success. Proudly, I’m Celta!

Tania Angélica Peña Guerrero | Psychopedagogy and Vocational Counselor Coordinator
My name is Tania, I am a Clinical Psychologist graduated from the UAQ, throughout my professional career I have worked in Psycho pedagogy Department guiding and providing strategies to teachers and students, to make the learning process a meaningful and innovative experience. It is my first school year at Prepa Celta and I am extremely excited about this. I wish all of us who make up this great family a healthy school year and many enriching experiences.

Alicia Silva Lara | IB Continuum Leader and MYP Coordinator
I am a Food Chemist from the UAZ and I have a postgraduate degree in Food Science and Technology from the UAQ. I am currently serving as IB Continuum Leader at Colegio Celta and MYP Coordinator in the Middle and Prepa Celta sections. I have worked at the school since 2017, starting as a Chemistry and United Nations Model teacher. Warmly hug everyone, I hope it will be a great 2021-2022 school year.

María Mayela Sosa Rodríguez | Personal Project Coordinator
I am industrial engineer, graduated from Technological Institute of Durango. I’m part of the Celtic community for 8 years. Currently, I teach classes in Middle and High School, coordinating “Personal Project” for 10th grade. I want this school year to be full of accomplishments, great experiences, and lots of learning.

Víctor Hugo Valencia Peña | Student Activities Coordinator
My name is Víctor Hugo Valencia Peña, I have a degree in Physical Education from the UAQ, I have served as a teacher of the same subject at all educational levels, as well as a volleyball coach for 15 years. Four years ago, I was given the opportunity to become part of the Celtic family, being in charge of the representative volleyball teams of the school. Later, I collaborated as Coordinator of Individual and Team Sports in the FID area and as of August 9th, I work as Student Activities Coordinator at Prepa Celta seeking to contribute and support the personal and academic development of our community.
Celtic Pride
From the Desk of Hugo Valencia | SAC
‘The more difficult the victory, the greater the happiness of winning’ -Pelé-
Remembering words that inspire and coming from one of the legends, not only of soccer but of sport and the culture of effort, the Celtic community and the Celtic High School congratulate and thank the commitment, effort and perseverance that characterizes our student SARA LUCÍA MOYA MONROY, who, last July participated in the “Festival de Volleyball Infantil y Juvenil Querétaro 2021”.
Sara, together with her team “PANTERAS” managed to crown all that effort and support with a championship that we are sure will lead them to continue preparing for the next stage and will provide them with tools to be better athletes, students and human beings every day.

Congratulations Sara!!!
The IB student and the international mindset
From Juan Cruz’s desk | Academic Coordinator

Our Celta high school is linked to IB education because it aims to prepare students effectively for life, facing challenges with the best attitude and commitment to life. For this reason, one of the strengths in the teaching-learning process is the link with the international mindset.
The international mindset, according to Muller at IBO, is a vision of the world in which people consider themselves connected to the global community and assume a sense of responsibility towards their members (2017, p.4); our students are linked to the international mindset through elements such as inquiry, reflection on current issues and the practice of skills in service to others; thus, these elements give rise to an active commitment to society.
It is necessary to recognize that, in the 2021 survey carried out by the IB, we were classified as one of the best schools internationally by fostering this mentality.
Thanks to all the parents, teachers and directors who support our students in their educational and training process; congratulations. We will continue to be the best educational offering for our local and international context.
IBO. (30 de enero de 2017). 10 maneras de promover la mentalidad internacional. En Blog de la comunidad IB