Prepa Celta’s Information
From Claudia Molleda’s desk | Prepa Celta’s Principal

Closing cycles helps us walk towards the next goal with the peace of mind that we have learned from our experiences. This year was undoubtedly one of the most challenging, but we can end with the idea that what was done, was done well. There comes a period to recover physically and emotionally, to meet again in physical spaces again.
To achieve this, we ask for your help not to lower our guard. Thank you for supporting us every day during this and all school years.
I assure you that next school year we will have so much joy and more adventures to share with each of you.
With pride Celta I am!
From Alicia Silva’s desk | MYP Coordinator
Online Sample of the Personal Project
Today I want to share with you the online sample of the Personal Projects of the 10th grade students, that took place last May, where the projects that they were working on throughout the school year were exposed, projects that they choose based on their personal interests. Below you can find the link where the projects are.
This particular year has been full of challenges in every way and at this point I can only thank everyone involved in the Middle Years Programme (MYP).
Special thanks to the parents of the 2021 generation who this school year more than ever, were able to experience the road and the roller coaster that is the Personal Project. Your guidance and accompaniment are invaluable.
To my dear supervisors, thank you for your commitment and affection towards your profession and the students. It has been a great challenge to remotely monitor a project of the magnitude of the Personal Project, I have learned that we can always come out strengthened as a team and be ready for what follows. Thank you for your hours reviewing reports, correcting even the smallest detail, having meetings at the least expected hours and still continue with the work that our subjects demand. I cannot thank you enough for your love of the noble work of education.
To my students, thank you very much for this school year, although there have been times of changes, adjustments, and uncertainty, we have been able to get the positive out of the situation by recognizing the negative in it and finding learning. It was not easy to spend so much time in front of a computer, however, that allowed us to maintain contact, it was not easy to face our fears, but that led us to the place we live today.
Thank you very much for sharing your interests, dreams, wishes, experiences, your tears that are already part of me and that I hope to be able to contribute to future generations. For us, teacher-students, it is a farewell. I know that your journey through the remainder of high school will fill you with enriching and challenging experiences. See you at the MYP certificate award ceremony.
Congratulations generation 2021, you did it!
From Claudia Molleda’s desk | CP Coordinator
Reflective Project

Being reflective is one of the attributes of the IB learner profile, but also one of the skills that is most taught to develop, since, thanks to reflection, our learning manages to find a Why? or What for?
The Reflective Project of the CP is the longest project in the Continuum of programmes, with a duration of 2 school years, it could seem a lot, however, when we think about it we realize that reflecting is not easy, for this, a whole process of investigation of the subject had to have existed. The reflection focuses on an ethical dilemma, related to the Career-Related Studies, in which it is required to read various points of view related to the dilemma and be able to have a thinking process that allows us to determine whether to take a position or conclude that it is a case that has no solution, in reality it is a dilemma, something that is not bad but not good either, there is no answer for it.
Our students of the first generation of the CP, the 2020 generation, presented their Reflective Projects, whose products are very different from those of the MYP, in which the result of the project can be very tangible. Next, we share the link of the videos that the students made to explain their dilemmas and their conclusions. What you are about to see is just the tip of the iceberg, there was a great job from the project leader, Professor Antonio Ayala, the supervisors – Prepa teachers – and especially from the students. Please enjoy these demonstrations.

Continuing with the achievements of the first generation, we are very happy to notify you the results that the Certifying Entity has sent us in conjunction with UPAEP. These results were very positive, and this was derived from the excellent work of the professors of the Career-Related Studies, as well as of each of the students. Today I want to acknowledge the effort and dedication that each of them puts into achieving this goal. In figure 1 you will find that 95.7% of the 22 students who enrolled, managed to obtain their certification with an excellent evaluation. Undoubtedly, the results issued by the IB and the ECE, as well as those previously published in the Academic Marathon and the scholarships obtained by our graduates from universities -even foreign-, allow us to demonstrate that we are a high school with an excellent academic level and, in addition, our students display a high level in the development of various skills that will be useful for the rest of their academic, personal and professional lives.
Congratulations to our graduates, we are waiting for IB-CP Certification results to published on July 5th. We wish you every success. Congratulations also to each of the teachers and especially in Prepa Celta, since the work of each one of them is a grain of sand that has contributed to these enormous results.

Figure 1. Results issued by the Certifying Entity (ECE) for the Career-Related Studies of the 2021 generation in Health Coach, Entrepreneurship and Cultural Management
International Mindedness

We talk about the International Mindedness all the time, but for sure, what does it mean for our students to have it? According to (Muller, 2017 in IB Blog 2017),
“International-mindedness is a view of the world in which people see themselves connected to the global community and assume a sense of responsibility to its members. It is an awareness of the inter-relatedness of all nations and peoples, and a recognition of the complexity of these relationships. Internationally-minded people appreciate and value the diversity of cultures in the world and make an effort to learn more about them”.
This means that our students are preparing to be part of the world, to generate a better quality of life for themselves and for all human beings, to be more aware and inclusive people, caring about and attending to the needs of other people. Our CP students participated in a survey on international mindedness developed by the IB, in order to observe if the programmes they offer really generate this approach of interest and respect towards others, the results were the following:

Figure 2. WVS measure on international mentality compared to other CP schools in the country.

Figure 2 shows that, in CP schools in Mexico, the international-mindedness is above the average expected by the IB and that, even, the students at the Celta International School have a greater awareness of the well-being of the people in their environment. Undoubtedly this positions us as a highly lonely and inclusive country in which, in CP schools, the interest and awareness to understand that we are citizens of the world continues to be promoted with great success. Figure 3 shows how the School has been compared to CP schools worldwide, and we can show that we have strong leadership on this issue. In conclusion, our students understand that what happens in any part of the world, concerns us all and that we must work together, as humanity, to improve the lives of all of us who inhabit this world regardless of species.

Figure 3. WVS International-mindedness Comparison, comparing Colegio Celta with CP schools around the world.
If you want to know more about this report, you can click on the following link, in which you will find complete information worldwide.
Muller, C (2017). 10 maneras de promover la mentalidad internacional. En Blog de la Comunidad IB. Disponible en:
A Photo Story
From Ana Isabel Christlieb’s desk | Language and Literature teacher (DP)

When we are little, we spend our lives telling stories, either to explain how a monster came through the window and ate the last cookie that was left, or for our toys to have a great fantastic adventure. However, as we grow older and try to adapt to a life of responsibilities and «realities,» this ability hardens. The greater our knowledge of the world, and of what is possible and impossible, the more difficult it is for us to be these creators of imaginary worlds.
In the subject of Language and Literature, the importance of developing creative thinking is recognized, not only to improve understanding, the ability to analyze or interpret, but also so that students can use this ability in any of the professions they choose. For this reason, during the third period, the 11th graders created stories and presented them with a photographic sequence within a video.
The main inspiration for this project were the photographs taken by Juan Rulfo, which reflect the life of the countryside and the settings it represents in his texts. Such is the case of Pedro Páramo, a novel of his authorship read during the Language and Literature class. In addition, the film titled La Jetté, by director Chris Marker, made from photographs, instead of video, was used as a reference.
Some examples of the work done by the students are:
- ¿Ciclo o fin?, by Rafael Chao and Emilio Villegas.
- Sketch, by Iván Lemus
- Yellowknife, by Sebastián Ugalde and Mauricio Salas
Scholarships Report obtained for universities by the graduates of the Celta International School.
For the 2021 generation, it is time to go to a new academic level and we are very proud of your results, below, we show you the graphs of the scholarships obtained by our graduates.

Figure 4. Universities in which our 2021 generation entered with scholarships.

Figure 5. Percentages of scholarship obtained by students. Note: International scholarships are not shown in this graph as they are measured in USD amounts.
As can be seen, our graduates obtained scholarships with high discount percentages in the universities of their choice, reaching for the first time in history 5 scholarships of academic excellence for excellent grades and scores on admission exams, which shows that the reported grades by our teachers are real and can be compared with the scores on the admission exams.