School year 20-21 has been a year of great teachings for the entire community, where we have had the opportunity to see positive changes. We appreciate all your support and trust throughout the year. Today we can share how satisfied we are, despite the distance, we achieved that all our students obtained the expected knowledge for the grade and the development of new skills.
We will continue working so that next August 23rd we will meet again at school in a safe way and continue working together in this new stage.
Happy Holidays!

Pilar Mones
Developing values and skills
At the end of this school year, we want to thank you for your accompaniment and support in these months of pandemic, since it has been difficult for everyone due to the confinement. It was a period that lasted a long time, and it seems that we will soon be back to normal. There were many hours of hard work in front of computers, virtual classes, projects, and work to be delivered, times of being separated from friends and loved ones, it is time to disconnect and rest.

The brain also requires a vacation, as it is a biological necessity currently demonstrated by neuroscience. Rest regenerates the body, activates memory and helps us charge energy for a new cycle. It is time to turn off technology, which is what has occupied our attention the most; it is time to dedicate a little personal time, to exercise and take care of the body, to read a good book or something that you have wanted and have not given the time, it is time to enjoy the family sharing games and develop other type of skills from tranquility and rest.
We can take advantage of these holidays to enjoy the family with the support of board games, since they not only develop intellectual but also social and emotional skills, as well as important and necessary values, both for children and adults.
Its benefits:

• They keep the learning capacity active.
• They develop creativity.
• They develop character.
• Accept the rules.
• They develop perseverance, patience, and the ability to concentrate.
• They develop communication skills.
• They develop social skills.
• They improve self-esteem
• They develop planning and decision-making.
• Values such as honesty, discipline and respect for others.
As we can realize, there are many skills and values that are generated as learning experiences through play and highly necessary for life, why not take advantage of it?
Let’s continue learning from tranquility and rest, to exercise our abilities!!!
Martínez B. E., (2021, 17 de enero). Descubre los 6 grandes beneficios de los juegos de mesa. Mejor con salud. Recuperado el 11 de mayo de 2021 de:
Seguranyes V. I., (s.f.). Beneficios de los juegos de mesa para la familia. Edúkame. Recuperado el 11 de mayo de 2021 de:
Alicia Silva
Online Sample of the Personal Project
Today I want to share with you the online sample of the Personal Projects of the 10th grade students, that took place last May, where the projects that they were working on throughout the school year were exposed, projects that they choose based on their personal interests. Below you can find the link where the projects are.
This particular year has been full of challenges in every way and at this point I can only thank everyone involved in the Middle Years Programme (MYP).
Special thanks to the parents of the 2021 generation who this school year more than ever, were able to experience the road and the roller coaster that is the Personal Project. Your guidance and accompaniment are invaluable.
To my dear supervisors, thank you for your commitment and affection towards your profession and the students. It has been a great challenge to remotely monitor a project of the magnitude of the Personal Project, I have learned that we can always come out strengthened as a team and be ready for what follows. Thank you for your hours reviewing reports, correcting even the smallest detail, having meetings at the least expected hours and still continue with the work that our subjects demand. I cannot thank you enough for your love of the noble work of education.
To my students, thank you very much for this school year, although there have been times of changes, adjustments, and uncertainty, we have been able to get the positive out of the situation by recognizing the negative in it and finding learning. It was not easy to spend so much time in front of a computer, however, that allowed us to maintain contact, it was not easy to face our fears, but that led us to the place we live today.
Thank you very much for sharing your interests, dreams, wishes, experiences, your tears that are already part of me and that I hope to be able to contribute to future generations. For us, teacher-students, it is a farewell. I know that your journey through the remainder of high school will fill you with enriching and challenging experiences. See you at the MYP certificate award ceremony.
Congratulations generation 2021, you did it!
Paola Llop
Parenting teenagers: 3 aspects that you should take care of

Hello Celta community, today I will share with you 3 aspects that we must take into account when we are educating a teenager.
- Watch your reactions.
As teens move toward independence, they may face difficult decisions about gender, identity, dating, sex, alcohol, drugs, and smoking, among other things. It is tempting that as parents you want to tell your children what decisions to make, but that can give you a completely opposite result, that is, that the adolescent wants to rebel and distance himself/herself from home.
It is important that as a parent you listen carefully to what your adolescent is telling you, stay calm and do not judge. Teens will often talk about what other teens are doing, or about trends in their schools or peer groups, to build trust with parents and enquiry them about the consequences of certain decisions or the dangers of concerns like eating disorders or self-harm. If you, as a father, react with yelling, anger or saying the bad influence that his/her friends are, rest assured that your adolescent will not tell you anything else and if he/she is in a dangerous situation he/she will hardly turn to you for help. As long as the lines of communication remain open, parents can rest assured that if things go wrong, their children will continue to come to them for validation or support.
- Validate him/her
Teens rarely tell their parents, but many live with intense self-criticism and self-doubt as they struggle to cope with the multiple crises of adolescence. The negative voices in a teenager’s head can push them to seek alone time in their rooms and at other times to seek trust in an adult other than their parents. Remember not to stop validating them, to reinforce the positive behaviors that your adolescent has, to let him/her know that you are there to support him/her. When we want to tell a teenager that he/she is good at something, it is important to take a concrete example where the behavior we are validating is verified, so that they can connect it with something real and not with a comment that “all moms would tell their children».

- Learn from your teenager
As parents we are used to thinking that the older we are, the greater the wisdom, today that idea is in doubt. We live in a digital and globalized age, access to information is much easier and faster than 30 years ago. Therefore, you do not want to play the role of the know-it-all dad or mom, because you will definitely lose your teen’s interest. Allow him or her to teach you, ask for his or her opinion on current affairs, let them know that their knowledge matters to you and that you want to learn from them.This will improve him/her self-esteem and strengthen the relationship between you.
Psychology Today (2020). “Parenting teenagers”.
Recuperado el 11 de junio de 2021 desde
Carlos Zermeño

Throughout your life you have been related or linked to various sports disciplines, surely some were of your preference and others not so much. Fortunately, today we have an extremely varied number of options to find a discipline or physical activity that we like and that suits our needs.
Exercising takes energy and effort, but what costs even more is deciding to do it. Breaking that state of comfort is difficult, although the times you have achieved and finished your exercise routine you will have noticed a physical, emotional and mental satisfaction.
Exercise generates an increase in the levels of some neurotransmitters: endorphins (regulate the feeling of well-being), serotonin (emotional processing and memory), dopamine (working memory, mental flexibility and motor control) and anandamide (regulates emotional balance). These neurotransmitters are often depleted from anxiety and depression, so it is important to get 30-40 minutes of exercise a day.
John Ratey, a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School states that «Exercising regularly is good for your mood, memory or learning.» Whatever the discipline to adopt, from walking, Pilates, yoga, working strength in the gym; all of them will be able to bring you:

- Stress reduction.
- Greater physical functionality.
- Improved physical appearance and self-appreciation.
- Decreased anxiety.
- Feeling of capacity.
Feeling good physically and emotionally contributes to generating a feeling of well-being and improving our self-esteem.
Vikika Team. (2020). ¿POR QUÉ EL EJERCICIO FÍSICO MEJORA LA AUTOESTIMA?. 01/06/21, de Vikika Sitio web:
Colombo, Daniel. (2020). AUTOESTIMA: 5 BENEFICIOS DE HACER EJERCICIO FÍSICO, POR DANIEL COLOMBO. 01/06/2021, de Daniel Colombo Sitio web:
Autoestima: 5 beneficios de hacer ejercicio físico, por Daniel Colombo
Ruiz de León, Francisco. (2019). La actividad física estimula importantes procesos en el cerebro. Diversos estudios confirman el vínculo entre el ejercicio y este órgano. 03/06/2021, de Universidad de Costa Rica Sitio web:
- Mónica Antuna ( Middle School Principal ) |
- Ma. Del Pilar Mones ( Academic Coordinator ) |
- Alicia Silva ( MYP Coordinator ) |
- Paola Llop ( Department of Psychopedagogy ) |
- Carlos Zermeño ( Student Activities Coordinator ) |