All Access Theatre
By Nadia González

During this period, the theatre group of Celtic School made a «Film Dubbing». Students at different levels lent their voices to bring to life characters from their favorite movies like «Lilo and Stich» and «Zootopia».
In this activity, everyone was able to learn about the great work involved in being a dubbing actor by having to measure the time in which the character will speak, the nuances that must be given to the voice and the well-known «dubbing», a term that is used among voice actors by having to read and watch the screen at the same time.
The result was incredible and very funny since we can all be voice actors, training the voice and playing to create different characters; no matter your gender, we can create cool things.
The drama group wishes all the children had a wonderful Children’s Day. May they continue to fulfill their dreams and enjoy every second of this beautiful stage!!


We congratulate our student and gymnast Jesús Emiliano Cubillo Mendoza, who was given his selection uniform to represent Mexico in the Youth Pan American Games in the discipline of Gymnastics to be held in Cali in 2021.
Many congratulations and success, Emiliano!!