Welcome, in this edition you will find relevant information shared by the academic and social-emotional coordinators.
During the XVIII ART AND CULTURE WEEK “CONECTARTE”, Middle School students had the opportunity to actively participate in interactive games, art exhibitions, theatrical performances, and workshops. We also congratulate all the students for their works of art exhibited in our virtual gallery and for their theatrical performances which were a great success. Throughout the week we have observed the development of skills and knowledge.

María del Pilar Mones Urtuzuástegui
As we mentioned in last month’s newsletter, in the science subjects (Biology, Physics and Chemistry) at Middle School we work with materials from Oxford University Press. On this occasion my colleagues share their experience working with these materials, as mentioned before, it develops abilities in our students and strengthens the work of the IB Middle Years Programme.
Biol. Ingrid Eberhardt Toro

The book we use in Biology (MYP LIFE SCIENCES) is useful and practical for me because:
• It is friendly for topics seen in 7th grade.
• Helps them understand how the key and related concepts that they use make sense with what they are seeing in class.
• Its evaluation activities are good, the students like to work with it because such activities are attractive and it keeps them interested.
• It constantly reminds us of what is being worked on in the MYP, it also has good examples that relate to everyday life.

Ing. Ind. Mayela Sosa

The book MYP PHYSICAL AND EARTH SCIENCES that we use in physics, has been a very useful didactic resource in my work as a teacher, since:
• It contains relevant information for the elaboration of my planners, likewise it has activities that allow you to evaluate the achievement levels in the students of each criterion and its aspects.
• At the beginning of each topic it contains a reading that helps me to introduce students to the key and related concepts and global contexts of the period.
In conclusion, it is a didactic tool that enriches and facilitates my teaching work.

I.Q. Daniel García Flores

The use of the Oxford didactic material that we carry in the subject of Chemistry (MYP CHEMISTRY) has been very practical, easy to handle, as well as an excellent tool to work the contents for my students.
• The advantages of this material is that its structure is aligned with IB concepts and objectives, which allows me a better experience when designing my classes.
• The content is so well structured, that it has a very solid story-line to understand the subject.
• It has numerous exercises that I can take advantage of so that my students can practice those subjects that need a more “on the notebook” experience. And not only does it have the development of logical-mathematical topics, but it also takes us by the hand to address other learning approaches such as factual questions, debatable questions, and conceptual questions.
• Personally, this book has allowed me to lead the students by the hand, in the advancement of the content of the school year.
This is my 2nd year, using it and I have gotten a lot out of it for my classes. The best thing is that the language it uses is aimed at young people in MYP years 3, 4 and 5. Finally, I would like to mention that using the book and complementing it with the information from the EBSCO Library, has allowed me to broaden the view of the knowledge that I share towards the boys, since they complement each other in an excellent way.
Alicia Silva
The way in which our students deal with adverse situations they face is part of the skills that IB programmes seek to develop and strengthen, not only by carrying out activities that allow the work of this valuable resource, but also by reflecting on the world around them and the problems they face every day.
Such is the case of the activity in which the 10th grade high school students participated with the teacher Jessica Paola Hernández, in the Reading and Writing Workshop II class, with the purpose of presenting the topics and leading them to reflect on the topic through the creation of posters. A forum that served to listen to the contributions of our students and how to face these challenges, realities and problems of the society in which they develop.
Some of the posters that I present here, addressed the topics of:
• Pandemic fun

• Equality is love

• Quarantine, online classes

Guided by the teacher, we were able to learn about the type of activities they carry out to find a recreational space in these times of pandemic. Along the same lines, the students told us about the advantages and challenges of online classes. One of the posters invited us to make a deep reflection on the value of respect.
I invite you to take a look at the children’s products and join in the reflection.
Paola Llop

Hello Celtic Community, today I want to share with you a technique that helps us develop our emotional management skills. Has it happened to you that when emotion dominates us, we act impulsively? Well, this happens when we act in the refractory period. Surely you wonder, what is this? The refractory period is when we experience a situation and an emotion invades us. We are interpreting the world through the emotion we feel and if we act at that moment it is very likely to do so impulsively and with little awareness.
Thinking about this comes to my mind the phrase: «do not promise when you are happy, do not respond when you are angry and do not decide when you are sad», because emotions are in control of ourselves and we can regret saying or doing something.
What can we do to avoid acting in the refractory period? I share with you a technique that helps us to better manage our emotions, this tool is called “P.A.R.A.R.” (by its acronyms in Spanish)
• PARA (Stop) -Pause the activity you are doing
• ATIENDE (Pay attention) – Note if any emotion is controlling you
• RECUERDA (Remember) – Remember how important it is to pay attention to your breathing.
• APLICA (Apply) – Take deep breaths until you regain calm.
• REGRESA (Go back) – Go back to the activity you were doing and make a conscious decision and in control of your emotions.
As we practice this technique, we will achieve better emotional management and therefore a better relationship with ourselves, with the other and with the world around us.
Written by Psic. Paola Llop
Construye T (s.f.) “Aprender a PARAR”. Recuperado el 16 de marzo de 2021 desde:
Carlos Zermeño

The “new normal” in which we live has made an impact on our work, school, and personal dynamics; modifying our routines, habits and also the motivation to carry on with our responsibilities.
In these last few months, you have possibly experienced changes in your energy levels and in your motivation. The way in which we travel, live, work and study has changed. And in some way these changes can or have affected your motivation.
There is no magic bullet, nor a solution that works for us all. However, we can work on conserving, generating, or recovering specific behaviors that facilitate our day-to-day life and make our days less heavy and more bearable.
Let me share six suggestions that could be useful in your home to avoid falling into a lack of motivation and reluctance:
1. Set a screen schedule: excessive screen time contributes to the generation of stress.
2. Establish schedules: it helps us to have a sense of order.
3. Encourage reading and performing artistic activities: creativity and imagination help clear the mind and live moments of tranquility.
4. Domestic activities: participating in assigned housework encourages participation in the family community and gives a sense of belonging and unity.
5. Promote nutrition education: food can be attractive and nutritious, in addition to the physical well-being it generates.
6. Talk about emotions: create safe spaces and teach that talking about what we feel is important.

• MARCH 29th to APRIL 12th – Easter Holiday
• APRIL 19th to 27th – 4th exam period
• APRIL 28th – Parents Making a difference
Mónica Antuna (Middle School Principal) |
Ma. Del Pilar Mones (Academic Coordinator) |
Alicia Silva (MYP Coordinator) |
Paola Llop (Department of Psychopedagogy) |
Carlos Zermeño (Student Activities Coordinator) |