Become a Nature Inspector
Super fun! “Seek” is an app that can identify more than 30 thousand species of plants and animals.
It’s like the «Shazam» of plants and animals

In nature there is a great diversity of plants and animals, however we do not know most of the species that surround us.
There is an app with which you can identify more than 30 thousand species of flowers, plants and animals. We tell you which app can do this.
Seek is an application that was developed by iNaturalist, a site that works together with the California Academy of Sciences and the National Geographic Society.
One of the purposes for which it was created was to unite all nature-loving people. The objective of Seek is that people know more about a plant or animal that is around them or even learn more about a particular species.

The app does not require you to register or share any personal data and it is very easy to use since you only have to take a photograph of the plants or animals of your interest, then the app will examine the image and identify it with any that is in your database.
When it has recognized the animal or plant, Seek will give you information about the species such as its name, characteristics and places where it can be found, it will also send you to Wikipedia so that you can find out more about the plant or animal you are looking for.
This is a free app that is available on iOs and Android.

Knowing more about the species will help you understand each species more and thus be able to protect it.
El Universal