By: Estefanía Cárdenas MRK Digital
Staying positive and making the good outweigh more, is in our hands.
Although we have returned to a complicated view around the world, it remains our responsibility to rekindle spirits and paint a different face to this second stage of the pandemic and in general to this new year.

On the Internet there are several contents, everyone is aware and uploads and reads news that sometimes are not entirely true and even if they are, it is not always convenient to fill ourselves with such negative information..

The term Infoxication was coined due to the increase in digital consumption of alarming or exaggerated information. A model began to be presented where the more negative content was read, the more the need for them grew, a vicious circle that led us to a bottomless spiral.
Vaccines, the economy, despair, the virus and mutations are among the topics most consulted and consumed on the internet. As of today, the most sought-after topic in Mexico (and surely around the world) corresponds to COVID. Last December there was an astral phenomenon that had not been seen in 800 years, called The Star of Bethlehem, unfortunately the level of searches around this topic was minimal.

This is a brief example of how digital infoxication leads us to see the bad, while ignoring or discarding the good, educational or interesting. Our concern is not questionable, the balance that we are not giving to what we consume in news and information is questionable.
It is not new for us that the more negative things we read, our mood and emotional state goes down in a cycle that brings nothing good. On the other hand, when we try to see and share positive things, we provoke the opposite, a virtuous circle that also permeates and changes the energy of those who live it and those around them.

We are also promoters of bad emotions when we share only the bad without giving space to the good. That is why the proposal is very simple: It is good that you inform yourself, it is good that you share, it is good that you read. For every alarming, bad news, or negative content you encounter, promote positivism and seek to read and share good news. In its fair proportion we will manage to mediate the spirits and stay focused on attitude.