10 experiences to evolve in 2021
Por: Natalie Garcia Buhler Directora de Mercadotecnia GCU
Last year, was a year of chaos in the world where a pandemic conditioned every part of our life.
Here we present 10 experiences that marked 2020 and that will impact 2021 positively.

Facing this pandemic is a collective effort where each person has to show their commitment to themselves and to others. The chain of solidarity gestures has been significant; shop from the neighbors, volunteer, or make donations in different ways.
True happiness

In these tough times of pandemic it has served to give value to the little things in life that under normal circumstances we took for granted. Faced with materialism and the mistake between pleasure and happiness. Everything can be lost in an instant and it is in our vulnerability that we appreciate the great luck of enjoying health when others unfortunately do not have it.

This year has been in a rush, regarding to learn resilience in the face of adversity. Without time for adaptation, people have had to become flexible in an unforeseen context. Accept and adapt. These lessons can be used to apply in other moments of life when the storm has passed.

This year we had to invent new and ingenious ways of creating, working, relating, learning, etc. This leaves the prelude to a more conscious, empathetic, creative and proactive society.

We realized the environmental impact that we generate daily and how the planet benefits, although at the same time, the generation of new non-recyclable hazardous waste generates new variants of pollution. That leaves us with a great challenge. Find and promote eco-friendly alternatives.
Other ways of communicating

Social distancing measures to reduce the chances of the spread of Covid-19 have given way to new communication formats such as recurring video calls between family members and virtual meetups. Imagining going through this pandemic without the availability of these tools would have been dramatic. This distance has also led us to value emotional ties more.
More digitally connected than ever

The number of Internet users in the world grows by 7% and reaches 4,540 million (2020). For the first time in history, 60% of the world’s population has used the Internet this year.
Home office

Due to confinement and restrictions due to the pandemic, teleworking became a lifeline for companies whose workers could not carry out their work in person.
International commitment in the fight against racism

The dramatic events of police repression of black people in the United States has revived the “Black Lives Matter” movement. It is one of the largest social movements in the history of the United States that can finally end this systemic discrimination.
The Elderly

Seniors are the most affected by the consequences of Covid-19. This fact has shocked society, that more than ever values the legacy and wisdom of the elderly who, with so much effort, have contributed to being who we are.
Fuente: Con información de Cristina Grao Escorihuela / enpositivo.com