Educational challenges for the next decade
By: Natalie Garcia Marketing Director GCU

In 2013, Fundación Telefónica carried out a study, in which a projection was made of what education would be like in 2020. The study had the participation of 50,000 teachers from 14 countries and experts in educational issues such as Richard Gerver, Jannet Patti and Fernando Savater, where the great conclusion was:
«In a world in which technology and different ways of life change at an accelerated rate, one of the challenges for future education will be teaching students to adapt and have the ability to work with different people and environments»

They mentioned that these changes would begin to occur gradually from 2020 through upcoming years, but as we all know, the pandemia transformed absolutely everything in an instant and brought with it a series of unexpected and accelerated complications and opportunities.
Specifically, they emphasize fostering students’ creativity and emotional education, aspects that allow us to face better life’s challenges. “Emotional and social competencies are learned. Educating the heart is as important as educating the mind, ”says Jannet Patti, professor and coordinator of the Leadership Education Program at Hunter College in New York.

The IB Educational Model demonstrates once again through its attributes and approaches that it is a modern program for the mental and emotional development of the prepared leaders of tomorrow.
Education in the future … that has already reached us.
The results of the study are summarized in 12 educational keys:
1. Forming citizens for the 21st century: creative, critical, enterprising, competent in the digital world, with social skills and capable of adapting to diverse work environments.
2. Develop public policies that favor social inclusion.
3. ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) must be included in schools.
4. Extracting collective intelligence: in an increasingly complex society, survival depends more and more on a collective intelligence. The human being is social by nature, so he has to take advantage of the open possibilities of the digital society.
5. Encourage creativity: students are born creative and the educational system has to create the conditions for them to continue developing that capacity.
6. Importance of emotional education: the main purpose of education is that each person can achieve an optimal degree of social and emotional well-being.
7. Cooperation between family, school and community: education is not exclusive to educational institutions and it is possible to learn anywhere in society.
8. Didactic units connected in a network.
9. Education is also outside of school.
10. Focus on online learning, on the ability to search for information and put the acquired knowledge into practice.
11. It is about training citizens, not just efficient professionals: an educational system open to the community and based on collaborative learning that involves the whole of society. The work of this system is not to train citizens only to be useful to a market, but to train people capable of functioning at all social levels.
12. Avoid technological anxiety: technology advances at a dizzying rate, it is impossible to predict what kind of technology will be in the near future.
Fuente: Fundación Telefónica
Con información de Victoria González de