Prepa Celta Newsletter Noviembre 2020
In the previous edition, I commented about the two events that would be held in October: This is the Celtic High School (Así es la Prepa Celta) and I am a pre-university student and today I want to tell you that both were very successful.

During the first day of, I am a pre-university student, we had the participation of professors from Canadian Universities: Fraser International College, LaSalle College, Vancouver and Thompson River University, who gave master classes in Chemistry, Games Design and Programming, Physics and Business. We also had the participation of the Cambridge School of Visual and Performing Arts and St Andrew’s College, both from the United Kingdom with the lectures about Art Portfolio and Business and administration, respectively. It was a very enriching experience in academic terms, as well as reinforcing the aspirations of our students to continue with an international development.

On the second day, professors from the UPAEP, UDLAP and Mondragón Universities offered lectures on Theater, Civil Engineering and International Business. During the two days that the event lasted, we had a wide participation of our students, who were very satisfied with the experience.

At ‘Prepa Celta’, we are aware of the importance of adequate vocational guidance and, given the wide range of options and universities, we consider it important to take our students to this type of experience from the beginning of their high school studies.

Regarding the event, Así es la Prepa Celta that was held with the 9th grade students of Middle School, we had a very special day where the boys and girls carried out Health Coach, Entrepreneurship, Cultural Management, Mathematics and Art activities. In all cases, they were very enjoyable sessions by the Prepa Celta faculty.
I thank the 9th grade students for their participation and I reiterate our interest that they continue their education with us since without a doubt we are the best educational option, with the best opportunities to prepare them for university life.
During November we will begin with the third evaluation period and the first registration for the Career-Related Programme (CP-IB) will take place.

Good communicators
From Claudia Molleda’s desk, CP Coordinator

Understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively and willingly in collaboration with others.
Communication is the basis of understanding, although it is true that when doing things we learn more than just listening, being able to express and explain them is also an excellent way for them to remain in our memory for a longer time, generating in itself meaningful learning.
Students in the CP work, in Career-Related Studies, with very interesting topics designed so that in the near future they can really apply them for the benefit of the community and of course, of themselves. During these weeks in Health Coach, students learn about eating disorders, about proteins and its importance at the level of metabolism and also about the need for human development.

In Entrepreneurship they work generating business ideas, their prototypes and how to market them, in Cultural Management the students are learning what it is to manage and how to carry out a project from creating to financing it. All these learnings are intended for students to learn skills that allow them to improve their style and quality of life, as well as that of their nearby community and that in the future generate a global impact.

But how can they make these ideas known? Exhibition communication is not the only method, they can do it through dissemination campaigns, music, posters, prototypes, etc. We invite you to listen to this example, work of the Cultural Management students, Arturo Esteller Ugarte and Raúl Moreno Carreón, under the direction of Miss Eréndira Astivia: “Occidente al Futuro” adaptation of Future Nostalgia by Dua Lipa, in which they describe how philosophical thought emerged, putting into practice the international mindedness.