Newsletter October 2020, Middle School
During the month of September, we witnessed different activities, with pride we celebrated in a virtual way Mexico’s Independence, where teachers and students shared the meaning of being Mexican.
One of our objectives is to continue providing quality teaching, so our teachers have started live transmissions of classes from the school, with all the security measures.
«Giving Stories», together parents and library Kells MS, we have started our traditional literary coffee. We are waiting for you!
During this summer, the Middle School teachers worked hard on training to start the work of this atypical school year due to the COVID-19 situation.
The training topics we addressed were:
Manuals and documentation of the section that will help us to do our work with efficiency and certainty.

In this new scenario of virtual classes, we must continue training in our professional activity, M. Marcela Altamirano gave us the session “Mastering the art of teaching online classes”, she provided us with some very good tips that will help us to develop better in the classes today, either online or in person.
Also, in order to be well with ourselves and thus be able to give ourselves to others, the training was carried out with the Psychologist Juan Carro with the theme «Approaching from a distance».
And to expand our knowledge of the Middle Years Programme (MYP), since we must continue preparing for our daily work and the future visit, we had some training topics that I leave with the MYP Coordinator for that matter.

Middle Years Programme(MYP)
IB Platform training session, By Martha Alicia Silva Lara

Adding to the preparation that teachers receive from the Academic Coordination as part of the MYP training, an update is included in the closing project of the Middle Years: the ‘Personal Project’.
The objective of the training is for teachers to know, update and improve the fundamentals of their work as supervisors, the scope of the ‘Project’ and its purpose in our students and community.
During the pandemic, the International Baccalaureate has made an effort to put accessible training for teachers on its platform and thus ensure the quality of the Programmes even in times of remote work. In this way, our teachers and I, train ourselves online with relevant and appropriate resources for this time. At this time, the training and updating we receive is of the utmost importance, which provides us with resources for our daily teaching practice.

This course focused on one of the three components of the inquiry process: reflection. This was carried out by the teachers around the ‘Personal Project’, the same exercise that our students must carry out individually with their own projects. What the teachers did in this course reminds me of Gandhi’s phrase «Be the change you want to see in the world», working with them what the students will have to do when the time comes.
Hello Celta Community, for us it is very important to evaluate and be part of the integral development of our teenagers. Adolescence is a stage of development that involves several areas, all of them important; one of them and on which we will focus this month is on the emotional.

What about my teen’s emotions?
Your adolescent’s brain is in full evolution, this change allows teenagers to begin to feel more complex and intense emotions, however, they have not yet learned to manage them, making their emotional ups and downs unpredictable.

Coupled with the complexity in their emotions, the adolescent is more self-aware, especially in appearance. The self-esteem of adolescents is sometimes affected by their physique and how others see them, as well as by the social area where they seek belonging and identity; each one of these factors influence so that this stage of the life is transcendental.
All these emotional difficulties increase the risk of suffering psychological disorders such as depression, eating disorders, such as bulimia or anorexia nervosa, and anxiety, among others.

For all the above, we want to share with you the activities that were carried out last month, in order to monitor the emotional area of our teenagers. During two weeks the department of psychopedagogy applied three tests, two of them evaluated emotional aspects (anxiety and depression) and the third evaluated how our students learn better, auditory, visual or kinesthetic. These results will be shared in our tripartite interviews, which begin on October 21.
We leave you this very interesting video, which talks a little more about the functioning of the adolescent’s brain.
At School we look for a great variety of forms and spaces so that students can develop skills, ways of relating and also finding forms of recreation.

One of them is the representativeness of the students through the formation of the Student Council, which is a group of students elected by their peers who carry out curricular and extracurricular activities. With the objectives of sharing the ideas and concerns of the students with the school authorities, fundraising, planning and executing events, contributing to the school environment through coexistence, social events and community projects.

In the first days of September, the Middle school students were called to register as candidates for the election of the Student Council. Participants have worked very hard to create proposals and ideas for the September 24th elections and to be able to represent their colleagues from the Middle section during the 2020-2021 school year.
We wish success to our students who participate in this electoral process!
Important Date

- Student Council Ideas. Recuperado de
- Student councils: A voice for students. Recuperado de
Mónica Antuna (Dirección Middle School Ma. Del Pilar Mones (Coordinadora Académica) Alicia Silva (Coordinadora PAI) Paola Llop (Departamento de Psicopedagogía) Carlos Zermeño (Coordinación de Actividades Estudiantiles)