Protecting animals is protecting ourselves.
October 4th World animal Day
By: Natalie Garcia. Marketing Director En Verde Ser

World Animal Day, commemorates the existence of animal life in all its possible forms. During this day, tribute is paid to all the animal life that surrounds the Earth and that makes the existence of the human being possible as well as fighting and eliminating cruelty against animals trying to stop hunting, illegal trade, consumption of exotic meats, pollution and destruction of their habitats just to name a few objectives.

This day has been instituted in commemoration of Saint Francis of Assisi, who is considered the first person to put the image of the human being on the same level as all things created by God, including animals.
Currently, about 40 percent of all animal species on the planet are in danger of extinction, mainly from human causes. We have become the main threat, accelerating the rate of extinction about a thousand times higher than what was natural before the appearance and expansion of our species.

It is urgent to become aware, we all share the planet, we must stop being selfish and share in harmony, taking into account that animals have feelings and that they are much more intelligent than we think. We must stop seeing animals as objects, gifts or toys and begin to respect, and conserve the species.
3 Great Persons

We present two great personalities who started a worldwide movement to take care of the planet, they share their experience with us, open our eyes and inspire us to take action in favor of the care and respect of nature, and with great pride we present a girl who is not in Africa caring for elephants, or rescuing koalas in the devastating fires in Australia, or saving bears at the Arctic. She is here in Mexico, in Querétaro, making a difference by taking action.
Jane Goodall
Jane Goodall is the celebrated English primatologist who has revolutionized science since 1960 with her innovative methods and fascinating discoveries about the behavior of wild chimpanzees in Gombe, Tanzania. Being 85 years old, Dr. Goodall continues to work intensively on the protection of ecosystems and biodiversity, environmental education and sustainability in our way of life.
We invite you to watch this short video, with great learnings for parents.
Sir. David Attenborough
He is a naturalist turned legend. For nearly 70 years, Attenborough has worked on television, making the most inspiring and impressive documentaries about the planet’s flora and fauna. Thanks to him, millions of people know incredible species that could not be imagined even in the wildest dreams. It also shows the horrible truth of the planet and our negative impact on it.
We invite you to watch the documentary that premieres this October 4th, 2020 on Netflix.
(We recommend this video for Middle and High School Students)
Constanza Berthely

Constanza, has been part of the Celtic community for 11 years. She is a student recognized for having all the attributes of the IB Learner Profile. Charming, patient, tolerant, balanced and very supportive girl who with her heart in her hand and great inspiration, carries out an exceptional work in favor of sterilizing cats and improving the lifestyle of stray cats that have no food.
Constanza’s initiative is admirable and with this joy, we invite you to participate in the support campaign so that she can continue with this great work. Each peso adds up and will be used for these noble purposes. Lets donate!
Mayores informes: Alejandro Berthely /