¡Welcome 2020-2021!
We are very excited to see our dear students again. Undoubtedly their energy and vitality are things that motivate us to move forward, making this school year successful and an opportunity to develop many skills and learning.
¡Welcome to our community!

This school year, we expand the resources that Pearson offers us with “Me Pro Interactions”.
¿What is it?
It is a Learning Progress Measurement model that integrates academic contents into digital resources with evaluation and personalized work, designed to deliver teaching and learning more effectively.
We will have the opportunity to apply diagnosis and according to the results of each student, the platform proposes a progressive learning plan and the measurement of progress for a relevant achievement.
This is a video with more information:
In English, we will be working with the Cambridge Primary Path programme. This is an English language and literacy course that will help young learners become articulate writers and speakers of English, empowering them to make the most of life’s opportunities. Through its three essential pillars, Cambridge Primary Path offers a truly effective approach to learning.
The comprehensive literacy-based approach ensures students receive essential language support alongside literacy training, so they become fully literate in English. The groundbreaking research-based oracy framework enables students to become confident, collaborative speakers.

The creativity principles encourage students to become better thinkers and problem solvers … while enjoying themselves! Similarly, not least, the exercises are in the format and design required for the preparation of the certification exams for Cambridge’s Young Learners.
I’m sure it will be a school year that will provide our students with very valuable tools that they will be able to use in their daily lives.
During the space that low elementary students have with our Psychologist, Paola Hernández, they have worked with elements of Neurolinguistic Programming.
The acronym NLP, represents a term that encompasses the three elements of greatest influence in the production of human experience. Thus, the neurological system regulates the function of the organism. Language determines how we interact and communicate with others, while the mental programming of everyone influences the conceptions of the world we create. Neurolinguistic programming describes the fundamental dynamics between the mind (neuro), language(linguistic)and the interaction of both determines our organism and behavior(programming). (Dilts, 2020)
In a very pleasant way, the children have responded positively to these small exercises. In the first part of each class, we start with «an exercise to balance us». It is a series of phrases that children repeat with an intention and feeling the vibration of their voice. The phrases are:
«Today is going to be a good day. I’m going to do my best because I can do it. I am a capable person, I am intelligent, I am respectful, I am tolerant, I am kind, I am loved, I am handsome. I learn to handle my emotions. I’m no better than anyone and no one is better than me because we’re all unrepeatable. I am unique and I give thanks for this day»
These phrases promote self-confidence, self-esteem, the opportunity for growth, interpersonal respect, recognition of diversity, as well as positive thinking.
This posture («a hand in the heart is performed to activate the power of your intention and a hand in your throat to feel the vibration and strength of your voice») allows the information to enter not only through the ear canal but through the kinesthetic as well and the orientation towards the indicated attitudes is more effective.
Remembering that reality, which is built on the word, allows us to reset for more constructive experiences.

Dilts, R. (27 de 08 de 2020). PNL. Obtenido de http://pnl.org.mx/
I am pleased to greet you and express that I am very excited to continue to support, accompany, and promote the emotional well-being of High Elementary students.
I share with you that in our first psycho-pedagogical session, we talked about the importance of looking for different alternatives to do new, interesting, and creative activities at home with the family.
Also being together allowed us to continue to establish bonds of trust and respect by listening to our experiences or expressing our likes and dislikes.
We share the following steps that can help children to handle conflict. You can practice them at home too.
1) Awareness of the situation to know what is going on.
2) Become aware of what our body perceives, whether through breathing, the practice of mindfulness.
3) These two steps will create a change in us.
«The human being who grows inwardly is one who observes his mind and enjoys the present» Buddha.