¡Welcome to the School year 2020-2021!
There’s no doubt that we have been forced to make some changes in the teaching and learning process, it has been a journey full of challenges, achievements, surprises, experiences for teachers, students and their parents. What we have been through these past few months allows us to start a new school year with more knowledge about this “new normality”, but with the same responsibility and love for teaching as always.

Our commitment is to give our best for our students to learn.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.
Celtic Academic Bubble
As we all knowIt is well known that c Covid-19 changed the routines, the recreation moments and the teaching and learning process for students.
Nowadays most schools are using online teaching. However, in Colegio Celta,a we worriedy about the academic and emotional situation of our students, that is the reason we decidedstarted to implement an innovative project called “CELTIC ACADEMIC BUBBLE”, which allows students to continue learning face-to-face with their teachers, using all the sanitary measures that are necessary.

This project is for students in kindergarten and it consists of taking “the school home”. A group of six students will gather and the school will provide everything that is necessary to give the classes in that home. (disinfection kit, thermometer, oximeter, tables, chairs, material, spanish teachers and teacher’s assistant).
During the project we continue having a class routine (spanish, english and extra activities) and lesson plans based on the IB programme. The spanish class will be taken face-to-face, english and extra activities will be taken online accompanied with their teacher.
Without a doubt Colegio Celta worries about the education of students and is always in the forefront with innovative projects. Miss Deysi- main teacher for K2K2 Teacher (We thank Miss Deysi for her participation in the making of this programme).
Durante el proyecto se continua con luna rutina de clases (español, inglés y especiales), y mediante planificaciones de acuerdo con el programa IB. La clase de español la tomanse imparte de forma presencial y la clase de inglés y/o especial la toman de forma virtual con acompañamiento de su Mmiss.
Visiting our students

«Each one of us gave them a small present with all affection, I consider that is really important to go beyond the screen with this emotional approach, it was a pleasantly emotional experience for both the children and for us, it was fantastic to be able to enjoy their astonished faces when they saw us arriving to their homes. With this we begin our 20-21 school year. «
«Mommy look is Miss Moni, the one on the screen.» Marianne K1 B

“Thank you very much to the Celtic School teachers, who came to visit my son, he was very happy to see his teachersthem again and he was blissful to see Jorge, the pet, and loved the gift he received from all of you. Thank you for all the love you give to my little one «
Meet our new teachers
Miss Kari

Hello, My name is Karina, I´m 28 years old, I was born in California and I was raised in Morelia. About a year ago I moved to this beautiful city because of my husband’s job necessities, who I´ve been happily married for 8 years withover 8 years. I have a Ddegree in Ppreschool Eeducation and I like being a preschool teacher, I’m convinced that a good education is fundamental for every person, not without mentioning how great it is to share the happiness that my students transmit everyday. I enjoy taking trips, gatherings or even playing a board game with my family and friends. It is so exciting for me to be part of this team, where I can learn, sharegive ideas and grow professionally.
I am thankful for this opportunity and I have no doubt that this will be a spectacular school year!
Miss Karina Ramirez Avila- English Tteacher K2
Miss Sam

Hello, my name is Samantha. My parents named me after the witch from the movie “Bewitched”, but I promise I won’t play with potions and spells. I started learning about music when I was 7 years old and I haven’t stopped since then. I love musical instruments and the music around us, t. The music of our body, mind and soul. The music of the stars and nature. I enjoy creating music. I play the piano and a weird instrument called the Ppsaltery, but my specialty is singing. Music makes me so happy, that I even graduated with an honorific mentionas Valedictorian from college of fine arts“Facultad de las Bellas Artes” and my university gave me the Aacademic Mmerit medal in 2018. I have been the director of orchestras and choirs, concert pianist, opera singer and actress, but being a music teacher is what fulfills me the most, it’s where I spend time with little ones and not so little ones the amazing experience of creating and learning about the music that life gives us.
Samantha Vazquez Gallegos – Music teacher.
Technology Applied to the Classroom
As teachers we must involve our work lines with technologies that help promote the creativity, personal expression, learn to learn, support creativity and critical thinking.
This workshoptraining was given by Miss Iliana Brien, she has used these TIC´s in her class making it more attractive for students.

As teachers we must involve lines of work with technologies that help promote creativity, personal expression, learn to learn, support creativity and critical thinking skills.
Therefore, in this workshoptraining we learned new tools to implement in online classes. The apps that were presented at training during the workshop were the following: Snap Camera, Kahoot, Flippty and Canva. Which are undoubtedly excellent tools that encourage exploration, imagination, creativity, autonomy, curiosity and promote teamwork in our students.
With this training as teachers we acquire a series of skills that are linked to the technical management of technology, knowledge development, skills that allow us to search, analyze and recreate information.
“I can say that the acquisition of digital skills in teachers will depend on their performance with the use of TIC´s in daily life.”
Arlette Rico – Assistant K3A
Handling with Stress
This workshop training was given by Miss Ana Paola Gerdingh, she explained how stress works, how it affects our body and how we can ensure that it does not control us. We were given some tools to lower stress levels and we were able to think on the situations that generate stress for us.

“The stress management workshop opened my eyes to the importance of how we see ourselves. Learning to love yourself is an important step and a very valuable tool when it comes to managing stress, remembering that we are valuable beings.”
Miss Ili – Miss English K1
Constructive Math
During the week of July 17th-21st, the Kindergarten Spanish teachers took the «Constructive Math» workshopcourse taught by teacher Yolanda Aburto, in order to increase the knowledge and tools for this new school yearcycle.
«The constructive math course was very enriching, as we were able to see math from a natural and spontaneous way and not as a subject that has to be taught, also the importance of working it first through the body and then doing it on a graphic.»
Miss Michelle – Miss K3 A
“It was a workshop where I learned concepts that will help me structure the way of teaching math more efficiently. The tools that I acquired will be useful to enrich my class every day, obtain better results and get to my goals and objectives as Celta community, as we speaking the same language and walking on the same path does nothing more than lead us toyou to SUCCESS! #WITH PRIDE CELTAI´M CELTA I AM”.
Miss Selene – Miss holder K2 B
“An excellent teacher workshoptraining was what all the preschool teachers received with the theme of Constructive Math.
This workshop helped me reinforce teaching skills and strengthen my little ones’ learning in the field of mathematical logical reasoning, I’m very grateful and eager to begin this journey through math in this new school year. »
Miss Cynthia – Miss holder K1 A

Development Pyram
This workshop was given by Miss Paulina Cisneros, Miss Ana Olvera and Miss Selene Mora. Miss Selene Mora talked more about the stages of knowledge regarding the development of our students.
We learned about the following aspects:
📕 TOPIC: Sensory Systems, Sensorimotor Development and Body Scheme.
Some of the components were:
The basic stimulations of development: tactile, vestibular and proprioceptive.
Sensory-motor: sightvision, hearing, smell and taste.
Tone and relaxation, balance and coordination, motor planning (praxis)
Lateral awareness, breath awareness, sensory integration capacity.
📕 TOPIC: Perceptual Motor Development
Development of body image, Development of visual-motor coordination, symbolic play, skills to work attention.
📕 TOPIC: Language
Language components: Semantics, Phonology, Syntax, Pragmatics, Praxis
“I consider it very important to refresh knowledge regarding the development pyramid; each stage is essential for the accompaniment of the little one. For us as educators, as trainers of the foundations of their development, it is information that contributes to a more timely and assertive intervention development. »
Miss Raque –
K2B assistant
Like every year, we had our Back to School, an event in which parents receive the most relevant information to start the school year and meet their teachers.
This was no exception, we saw the teachers excited to meet the parents of their students and they explained the how we are going to be working.
“I liked that, despite the situation, they managed to carry out the Back to School in a virtual way, since they provided information that has reached via mail or by video to the groups, but I think that using live meetings we can be more interested in the themes. » Suhail Mijangos -– Mom of ZoeZoe’s Mom, K2 A