Have you ever counted how many times do you check your cell phone in a day? A study by Alcatel Lucent, was responsible for finding this answer. On average, a person looks at the cell phone more than 150 times a day. People have replaced television, newspapers and radio for internet and social media as their main source of information. It seems that people trust blindly in what they see in these media.
By: Fátima García High School student in collaboration with Estefanía Cárdenas (Marketing Influencer).
Social media like Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat are the newest and most efficient media for advertising products and services. You can literally get anything.

Nowadays no one will ever notice your add on the streets (yes, the one that you paid thousands of pesos for), people will probably see the most recent post of some famous «influencer» in any social media.
But… wait a minute, what’s an influencer?
An influencer is someone who has thousands of followers because of his or her trustable findings, for a personal connection or because, in some level, people aspire for his or her “perfect” live.
These people post to social media everything that happens to them during the day, from how they get their “Large soy milk non sugar vanilla syrup latte” at Starbucks, to the type of shampoo they used and completely changed their hair.

Influencers are the perfect mean to reach new generations. If you can get an influencer to promote your brand, you will secure your company’s success.
Among these social networks, Instagram is the most popular one with 1 billion active users. Therefore, it is the best platform to promote new products. But, what is the secret behind this? I would say the success of it its due to its naturalness…
Naturalness means that you will see very often a picture of the influencer with new sunglasses, or collagen gummies, having breakfast or drinking coffee at the newest coffee shop, everything that you would do in a regular day. So, why not following that person and do or have the same? And of course you’ll easily find a link referring to the product or service s you can get it right away without second thoughts.
And maybe after months of taking the gummies you’ll find out that your hair has only grown the usual 2 centimeters, exactly what would’ve happened without taking the gummies.
I know, total disappointment; so you go straight to publish your review in the post of your idol, but when you see the caption again, you notice that one of the hashtags is #Add.
That is where you realize you fell for the hook. You feel disappointed and decide to look for something else, find a new profile and once again, you see a picture of a party with the most incredible balloons, the perfect swimsuit for vacations or even an electronic cigarette. Before you realize, you fall back again with the same hook.
Therefore, your target is younger than 35? Your way is Instagram. Make them part of the story you are telling and let them be inspire because of your product. Of course, with the help of an influencer.
The era of television has passed, hello to the era of social media marketing.