Our Philosophy

We are a secular and mixed educational community

Internationally minded that teaches in a bilingual environment of freedom, empathy and intercultural respect.

The Celtic Community works to achieve physical, mental and emotional balance…

We pave the way for inquisitive, self-taught, informed, independent, reflective, and critical children and youth, with the ability and initiative to solve challenges with a creative and coherent mindset.

We work to achieve a physical, mental and emotional balance that leads students to analyze and express their ideas in various forms of communication, making responsible, fair, honest and ethical decisions towards themselves, their environment, their community, their country and the planet.

Get to know us through our philosophy

A Great Place to Study


To provide our students with our students a learning learning experience transformative learning experience that provides the content and tools to face the challenges and the challenges and opportunities opportunities that contemporary society society poses.


Be a solid community in continuous continually growing, making a positive difference difference in our students, their students, their families, our staff and our environment environment, through a functional functional system based on wisdom, integrity and knowledge for the transformation of the human being and our society. society.


The respect, solidarity, honesty honesty, responsibility responsibility, integrity integrity, gratitude, loyalty and loyalty and freedom. We foster attitudes, skills and values as as guides and role models among the members of our educational community.

The best school in Querétaro

Many claim to be the best, we prove it!

¡We want you to be part of the Celtic Family!

Contact us and get the information you need for your child to start studying in the school that cares about their safety and happiness.

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